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与 remaining 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With self-serve now the standard,what happens to the lonely gas-station attendant whose (who's ?remaining interaction with the wife-frazzled,hangdog husband popping in to ask where such-and-such a street is?


These grand streets and buildings made the perfect backdrop for a procession of Hapsburg rulers, and the people of Madrid squeezed themselves into the remaining spaces as best they could


The goal is to have at least 30 percent of the students from suburban school districts, with the remaining students coming from Hartford.

其目标是至少有30 %的学生来自郊区的学区,其余学生来自哈特福德。

The remaining readings in this chapter treat various aspects of the problem Hawthorne's story presents.


One case is partial carbon conversion, and the remaining serves as a fuel for the regenerator, and the other is chemical reactionin the regenerator to supply heat for absorbent regeneration.


By 1890 and due to the many plagues that had wiped out so many Hawaiians, they had lost their joy, and this was reflected in the cessation of the music and the heavy-hearted nature that had enveloped the remaining locals in David Kalakaua's experience of it.

到了1890年,由于许多瘟疫和灾祸使很多夏威夷人筋疲力尽,他们因此失去了他们的欢乐,这是音乐停止的一个反映,在 David 的经历里,心情沉重的气氛围绕在遗留下来的当地人心中。

In the fifth year of the Hegira the Banu uraia, the last Jewish tribe remaining in the neighborhood of Medina, were disposed of.

在第五个年头的Hegira的巴努uraia ,最后剩下的犹太部落在附近的麦地,被弃置。

In addition to the daily invasion of the city when the Magic Brush to 9:00 strange and weird that to re-brush (do not take on a magic Hemosiderosis the case of the city) can go in the red, the remaining time would like to get very difficult, of course, the district and the district or differentiated, and some areas are more and more, money can never tell the past!


Hepatic copper content was measured in 17 patients and was above 250 mug/g dry weight in 13. One patient with hepatic presentation had "fulminant" WD, the remaining 14 abnormal liver function tests and/or hepatomegaly.

测量17名患者肝脏中铜含量,其中13名大于250 mug/g干重。1名患者的肝脏图像显示有WD "爆发",剩余14名患者肝脏功能测试异常和/或肝肿大。

Hepatic copper content was measured in 17 patients and was aboe 250 mug/g dry weight in 13. One patient with hepatic presentation had "fulminant" WD, the remaining 14 abnormal lier function tests and/or hepatomegaly.

测量17名患者肝脏中铜含量,其中13名大于250 mug/g干重。1名患者的肝脏图像显示有WD "爆发",剩余14名患者肝脏功能测试异常和/或肝肿大。

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The Last Remaining Light

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
