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与 remaining 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The boom - or boomlet - in refinancing is hugely dependent on mortgage rates remaining low.


The 16 Kbyte Boot Block can be used for small initialization code to start the microprocessor, the two 8 Kbyte Parameter Blocks can be used for parameter storage and the remaining 32K is a small Main Block where the ap- plication may be stored.

16字节的引导块可以用于小型的初始化代码用于启动微处理器,两个8字节的参数块可用于参数存储和使用,其余32K的主楼是一个小地方的AP -折叠术可以被保存。

Most of this pulp comes from the Canadian Boreal forest, which makes up 25 percent of the remaining ancient forests left in the world, she said.


Continuing with the different members of the band, Balazs Bota has been in Stonehenge since the very beginning and is indeed the only remaining founding member. Considering the fact that the band has been around (although with different lineups) since 1992, has he ever told the rest of you how he feels to finally release an album after all this time? Do all of you tend to feed off on each other's enthusiasm for the progress of Stonehenge?

继续来谈谈你们的团员,Balazs Bota可说是Stonehenge的元老成员,事实上他也是仅存的元老团员,从1992年开始这个乐团就已经存在了(虽然经历不少次成员变动),他曾和你们聊过,经历了这麼久终於发行了这张专辑,他的感受是如何吗?

Having been given...,可见Bottomley只是"给",未必是"发布".worth the bones of one British grenadier应该出自英文版本的下文:I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier.

"这样意思就明白了("我个人觉得:德国剩下这些城市加起来,也没一个英国投弹兵的生命来得珍贵。")。Bones借代指life,但若直译"骨头,不是很符合汉语习惯。那么这句话你应该会翻了,我建议把Having been这个从句单独拆成一句,这样不显冗长。

Having been given...,可见Bottomley只是「给」,未必是「发布」.worth the bones of one British grenadier应该出自英文版本的下文:「I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier.

这样意思就明白了(「我个人觉得:德国剩下这些城市加起来,也没一个英国投弹兵的生命来得珍贵。」)。Bones借代指life,但若直译「骨头」,不是很符合汉语习惯。那麼这句话你应该会翻了,我建议把Having been这个从句单独拆成一句,这样不显冗长。

The greatest benefit may reside during this absolute quiet time while remaining in the target brainwave pattern.


Regal symbol of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate, the city's sole remaining gate, was built in the late 18th century.


Please tell me BROB AT 0730(BROB--bunker remaining on borad).


Tween flat seat bucket shop to make a single copy 4, the first meeting between the shop floor as a shop for five pairs of copy, and the 45-degree oblique China and the remaining layers make up between the Big Dipper as a single copy shop to make four, double only Chinese the third, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen addition to China, but also a 45-degree slope.


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The Last Remaining Light

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
