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与 remain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are a lot of analysis models,index and data involved in management accounting,which is used by people without deliberations,and considered as absolute correctness However,management accounting has not been developed so consummately In fact,there still remain many questions deserving further study and discussion For example,some methods are not actual,while some don't take cost into consideration at all More attention should be paid, and more efforts are needed to make management accounting mor...


At present, China's consumption is likely to remain the major problems facing the economy.


However, the high cost of the catalyst and the metal contamination of the product remain to be surmounted.


Much like the disturbing, unfulfilling adventure in "An Encounter," the narrator's failure at the bazaar suggests that fulfillment and contentedness remain foreign to Dubliners, even in the most unusual events of the city like an annual bazaar.

很像令人不安, unfulfilling冒险"相遇",叙述者未能在集市表明,实现和保持外国知足以都柏林,甚至在最不寻常事件的城市一样,每年集市。

After World War Ⅱ there remain territory and boundary disputes among most ASEAN countries, which fall into two types, one being the dispute on land boundary or islands sovereignty, the other on the exploring of ocean resources and delimiting of territory waters and continental shelf among them.


Bond markets continued to gyrate Thursday after a sharp run-up in 10-year Treasury yields the day before. The bond market pushed yields of 10-year Treasurys down to 3.674% from 3.70% Wednesday, but they remain well over mid-March's 2.5% level.


Buyer furthermore guarantees that such licenses will remain in force for the full life of the contract.


The second, so far as the text is concerned, might be considered as merely a different wording of the first, were it not that the history of the council shows that Wyclif had directly opposed the Scholastic doctrine of "accidents without a subject" as absurd and even heretical (cf, De Augustinis, De re sacramentari, Rome, 1889, II, 573 sqq.), Hence it was the intention of the council to condemn the second article, not merely as a conclusion of the first, but as a distinct and independent proposition; wherefore we may gather the Church's teaching on the subject from the contradictory proposition;"Accidentia panis manent sine subjecto," ie the accidents of bread do remain without a subject.

第二,相对於文而言,可被视为仅仅是一个不同的措辞第一,如果不是被认为安理会历史表明wyclif直接反对学术上的理论,"如果没有意外的一个主题"一样荒谬甚至异端(比照,德奥古斯蒂尼斯,德重sacramentari ,罗马, 1889年第一,二, 573 sqq ),因此这是安理会打算谴责第二篇文章,而不是仅仅作为一种结论的第一,但作为一个独特和独立命题;哪,我们可以搜集教会的教学主题,从相互矛盾的命题"; accidentia潘尼斯manent正弦subjecto ",即事故的面包做的仍然是一个课题。

We must remain cool-headed analysis and the continued study of the sub-prime crisis on China's economic and financial impact, in order to properly deal with.


Remain frighten the can become me formal user that does not run, such coolie I still can be done!


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We Remain
I Remain
You Will Remain
We Remain
Faithfully Remain
All Who Remain
She Shall Remain Nameless
While I Remain
Please Remain Calm

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
