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If ever dark clouds enshroud her face, I let the magic phrase jump from my mouth, then they immediately disperse; if she feels tired and nervous, I say it and she instantly feels relaxed, beaming with smiles.
By emphasizing the originality of new product and entrancingly catering the metropolis tidal current,our garments make you relaxed and leisurable in any occasion,including work,party or free time etc.
The third step is to each other more relaxed environment and space
It is leaf drying epigenesis bee scented tea, drink rise very relaxed.
Epsom salt - When dissolved in water, Epsom salt replenishes the skin's magnesium levels, promoting a relaxed emotion.
However,when the network effect exists,the equilibrium condition of discriminatory pricing is relaxed.
The three men were sitting in the comfortable but not luxurious room the ethnarch of Rhodes had given them as an office,as distinct from the quarters where they relaxed and slept.
Local singer-songwriters will bring you euphonious songs. Stay relaxed, share the wonderful musical moments with your beloved in the New Year's Eve!
China's dynastic rulers, thanks to their confucian belief, treated all religions evenhandedly and pursued a relaxed religious policy
At Er~(3+) doping concentration range 0.1-1.5 mol%, Er~(3+) first arrived at ~4F_(7/2) energy level by excited state absorption, then rapidly relaxed to ~2H_(11/2) and ~4S_(3/2) energy levels, the population of which increased, the remarkable upconversion green emission was obtained when Er~(3+) directly went back to ground state by radiative transition.
Er~(3+)浓度在0.1-1.5 mol%时,Er~(3+)通过激发态吸收跃迁到~4F_(7/2)能级,后迅速无辐射弛豫到~2H_(11/2)、~4S_(3/2)能级,~2H_(11/2)和~4S_(3/2)能级上Er~(3+)的布居数增多,Er~(3+)直接辐射跃迁回基态,上转换发射以绿光为主。
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Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.