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This article through to the beach flood and field shore oil field's oil gas man-made island, enters the sea route and production equipment's main harm source conducts the research, analyzes its consequence with the influence, and proposes to the main harm source regulatory measures.


The analytic results obtained from the PCT evaluations revealed that the most limiting accident was the case with a break at the Main Steamline Outside Containment. Its PCT was 1289.15 ℉, which is much below the upper temperature limit of 2200℉ set by the nuclear regulatory authority. The most limiting accident for the minimum water level measured outside the core shroud is the case with a break at the High Pressure Core Flooder Line, the minimum water level drops to 18.4 ft. For this case, even though the water level has dropped to 11.6 ft below the top of the active fuel, the reactor core was still completely covered by the two-phase water.

分析结果显示,对燃料护套最高温度而言,最严重之事故为围阻体外主蒸汽管路破口,其燃料护套最高温度为1289.15 ℉,此温度远在法规10CFR50.46所定之限值 2200 ℉以下;对反应炉最低水位而言,则最严重之事故为高压注水系统管路破口,反应炉降水区最低水位降至18.4 ft,约在有效燃料顶部以下11.6 ft,然而炉心内部仍为双相饱和流体所完全覆盖。

This is the history of China's first specialized in foreign trade regulatory body.


It has already been reported that the forkhead family transcription factor Foxp3 is critically important for the development and function of the regulatory T cells.


Objective To present gene and protein expressions of forkhead/winged helix transcription factor (Foxp3) in the liver of BXSB mice and to explore potential roles of regulatory T cell in pathogenesis of hepatic lesions in BXSB mice.

目的 观察叉状头/翅膀状螺旋转录因子(Foxp3)在BXSB狼疮小鼠肝脏的表达,探索调节性T细胞在狼疮肝损害中的可能作用机制。

Objective To establish a method for detection of CD4(superscript +) CD25(superscript +) forkhead box p3 (Foxp3)(superscript +) nature regulatory T cells in peripheral blood by flow cytometry and evaluate its significance in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

目的 探讨流式细胞术检测CD4 CD25叉头状转录因子(Foxp3)天然调节性T细胞的方法及其在系统性红斑狼疮患者外周血中改变的意义。

FOXP3(the forkhead/winged-helix transcriptional regulators P3) is expressed specifically in regulatory T cells, and exerts great influence on the development and function of Treg cells.


Objective To investigate the expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and intranuclear forkhead/winged helix transcription factor p3 (Foxp3) of splenic regulatory T cells in mice, and compare the effects of different stimuli on the immunological activity of Tregs.

目的 研究体外实验中不同细胞刺激剂对小鼠调节性T细胞表面T淋巴细胞毒性相关抗原-4(CTLA-4)及叉头翼状螺旋转录因子(Foxp3)表达的影响,并对不同细胞刺激剂在Treg抑制活性发挥中的作用进行比较。

Intragraft accumulation of Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)-positive regulatory T cells is associated with local suppression of alloresponses in transplantation models.


METHODS: Chemotactic chamber assay was used to investigate the regulatory role of formyl peptide receptor like-1 (FPRL1) in the chemotaxis of PMNs in response to LPS and PD.


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My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


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