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During the thirteenth century, the Preachers in addition to their regular apostolate, worked especially to lead back to the Church heretics and renegade Catholics.


Responsible for the regular training of stuff about appliance of computer and security.


Liu Jiang east: During the sale with regular product, beijing east the sale price of product of store home appliance is lower than traditional channel 10%, the price of digital product is lower than traditional channel 15%.


A healthy diet and regular exercise will combat the problem and bring a person's risk of disease down appreciably.


The proof relies on regular approximation, the fixed point theorem, the embedding theorems, the semigroup theory and a series of complicated estimates.


Kant s moral philosophy began from moral motives, which clarified the apriority of good will and responsibility and regular pattern.


The most important of these congregations of the "Regular Observants" were those of Illiceto, in the district of Siena, established in 1385, having 12, and subsequently 8, convents; of St. John ad Carbonariam (founded c. 1390), having 14 convents, of which 4 still exist; of Perugia (1491), having 11; the Lombardic Congregation (1430), 56; the Congregation of the Spanish Observance (1430), which since 1505 has comprised all the Castilian monasteries; of Monte Ortono near Padua (1436), having 6 convents; of the Blessed Virgin at Genoa, also called Our Lady of Consolation (c. 1470), 25; of Apulia (c. 1490), 11; the German, or Saxon, Congregation (1493); the Congregation of Zampani in Calabria (1507), 40; the Dalmatian Congregation (1510), 6; the Congregation of the Colorites, or of Monte Colorito, Calabria (1600), 11; of Centorbio in Sicily (1590), 18 at present 2, which form the Congregation of S.

其中最重要的教会的"经常Observants "是那些Illiceto ,区的锡耶纳,成立於1385年,有12个,随后8 ,修道院;圣约翰广告Carbonariam ( 1390年成立角),有14修道院,其中4个依然存在;的佩鲁贾( 1491年),有11人;的Lombardic众( 1430 ), 56 ;圣座西班牙纪念( 1430 ),其中1505年以来已包括所有的卡斯蒂利亚寺庙;蒙Ortono附近的帕多瓦( 1436 ),拥有6日修道院;的圣母在热那亚,也称为圣母安慰(角1470 ), 25 ;的阿普利亚(角1490 ),第11条;德国,或撒克逊,天主教( 1493 );圣座的Zampani在卡拉布里亚( 1507 ), 40 ;达尔马提亚众( 1510 ), 6 ;圣座的Colorites ,或蒙Colorito ,卡拉布里亚( 1600 ),第11条;的Centorbio在西西里( 1590 ), 18 (目前2 ,形成了教会的S。

Leaf blade veins regular in dense nets, petiole bent, enlarged; aril dry, white or brown.


Interiors have some kind of formal clarity due to the use of concrete and white walls, transparent doors for the offices and an overall industrial wooden floor and regular artificial lights that accentuate the space.


An artilleryman on sentinel duty in front of the cannons was just confronting the officer, but at a sign being made to him, he renewed his regular, monotonous pacing.


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Regular Joe
Regular Guy
Regular Girl
Regular Guy
Regular Guy
Regular And Complex (Gnb)
Regular Guy
Regular Cat
The People That Surround You On A Regular Basis
Regular People (Conceit)

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
