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与 regular 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First the relationship of shoaling coefficient and relative water depth in regular and irregular wave fields has been analyzed. The experimental result shows that shoaling wave height decreases at first then increases until wave breaking. The broken wave height of regular waves is smaller than irregular waves with same wave steepness and relative water depth.


Aside from all the regular kind of snafus to be expected when running such a trial and all the regular kinds of annoyances of dealing with airports , one particular problem stood out .

除了所有正规种 snafus 可预料的运行时,这样的审判和所有定期种烦恼的处理机场,一个特殊的问题脱颖而出。

The role of government also involves pro viding centers for the development of infrastructure and strategic projects defining regular tory arrangements and institution al responsibilities and establishing an effective regular tory environment to direct the course of the information industries a nd result in conflicting objectives and interests.


This article and its two accompanying articles, EASTERN MONASTICISM and WESTERN MONASTICISM, deal with the monastic order strictly so called as distinct from the "religious orders" such as the friars, canons regular, clerks regular, and the more recent congregations.


This article and its two accompanying articles, EASTERN MONASTICISM and WESTERN MONASTICISM, deal with the monastic order strictly so called as distinct from the "religious orders" such as the friars, canons regular, clerks regular, and the more recent congregations.

此文章及其两个陪同的文章,东区修道和西方修道生活,处理与寺院秩序,严格所谓有别于&宗教命令&,例如作为friars ,炮,定期,文员,定期,和较近期的毕业典礼。

The Preachers adopted from the monastic life the three traditional vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty; to them they added the ascetic element known as monastic observances; perpetual abstinence, fasting from 14 Sept. until Easter and on all the Fridays throughout the year the exclusive use of wool for clothing and for the bed a hard bed, and a common dormitory, silence almost perpetual in their houses, public acknowledgment of faults in the chapter, a graded list of penitential practices, etc. The Preachers, however, did not take these observances directly from the monastic orders but from the regular canons, especially the reformed canons, who had already adopted monastic rules The Preachers received from the regular canons the choral Office for morning and evening, but chanted quickly.


When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,/ the moon and the stars that your have established…"(Psalms 8: 3) All things are regular."Explosion theory believers think that all things come forward in explosion; either the sun or the moon came forward in explosion. But as we know, things coming forward in explosion are irregular. On the contrary, the motion of all things is so regular, which cannot have been the result of explosion.


The method of recognition by secret signs, words, grips, steps, etc.; the three degrees including the Royal Arch; the Hiram legend of the third degree; the proper "tiling" of the lodge against "raining" and "snowing", ie, against male and female "cowans", or eavesdroppers, ie, profane intruders; the right of every regular Mason to visit every regular lodge in the world; a belief in the existence of God and in future life; the Volume of the Sacred Law; equality of Masons in the lodge; secrecy; symbolical method of teaching; inviolability of landmarks.

该方法的承认秘密的迹象,换言之,夹具,步骤等;三个度,包括皇家拱;西贡的传说第三度;适当的&分块&的提出对&下雨&和&雪花&,即,对男性和女性& cowans &,或窃听,即,亵渎的入侵者;的权利,每次定期梅森访问,每次定期提出在世界上;信念,在上帝存在,并在今后的生活中;货量的神圣法;平等的石匠,在投诉;保密;象征性的教学方法;不可侵犯的里程碑。

Use Grand Marnier Cuvee de Centenaire instead of regular Grand Marnier, and Monin Gingerbread syrup instead of regular ginger syrup.


You may find that you use Expresso for the initial development of your Regular Expressions, copy them to your program code, and thereafter use this application to test changes you make to the Regular Expressions.


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Regular Joe
Regular Guy
Regular Girl
Regular Guy
Regular Guy
Regular And Complex (Gnb)
Regular Guy
Regular Cat
The People That Surround You On A Regular Basis
Regular People (Conceit)

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
