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与 regardless 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to deontological theorists, such as Kant, some acts-such as keeping a promise or telling the truth-are moral obligations regardless of their consequences.


I wanted this step to be completely deterministic, regardless of caveats that may occur.


Have you ever noticed how sorrow (which is entirely a mental state) will depress and devitalize you, regardless of any amount of exercise or health foods you may take?


Export VAT refunds for urea products with tariff numbers 3102100010, 3102100090 and 31028000, and diammonium products with tariff numbers 3105300010, 3105300090 and 31054000 have been suspended as from 1 April 2005 regardless of whether an export contract has been registered.

自2005年4 月1 日起,出口商品代码为:3102100010、3102100090、31028000 的尿素产品,和出口商品代码为:3105300010、3105300090、31054000 的磷酸氢二铵产品,不论出口合同是否备案,一律暂停出口退税。

The good you dimply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself.


Streching her handsand staring at the dead bird disconcertedly,her regardless love killed the bird.


Herbacium were isobilateral leaves, and those of G. hirsutum and C. barbadense were dorsiventral leaves. The reciprocal F〓 of cross G. arboreum×G. herbacium were also isobilateral leaves, while reciprocal F〓 cross of G. hirsutum×G. barbadense were also dorsiventral leaves. The quadrispecific hybrids F〓 were isobilateral leaves, regardless of their cytoplasms. The structures of the leaf stalks and the stems were analogous to each other among the four cultivated cotton species except their diameters varied with species.


Regardless dysphoric girls had boy friends or not, the emotional support from her father, her mother or her teacher could not predict depressive mood.


It might be the OC's composition, regardless of its seerity, so the changes of OCs spectrum are noteworthy between healthy subjects and asthmatics and less eident between seere and mild asthmatics.


Copper content and accumulation in shoots of both two Elsholtzia species decreased with increasing Zn regardless of Cu supply. However, Zn concentration in E. splendens were increased by Cu supply at low or high Cu level, and in E. argyi Zn contents were also increased by Cu supply at 0.5 and 50μmol L〓.

研究结果表明,50μmolL〓的Cu有利于海州香薷根系的生长,但却明显抑制紫花香薷地上部分的干物质产量,Zn处理浓度直到200μmol L〓也未见两种香薷的干物质产量的下降。

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Regardless (Snippet)
Carry On Regardless

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
