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与 regardless 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When one partner has requested that the other bid slam with at least second-round control of a particular suit (the "open" suit) regardless of the rest of his hand, this scheme is used for replier's actions: with no control in the open suit, pass or return to the agreed suit; with second-round control, bid six of the agreed suit (or five notrump with the guarded king); with first-round control, control-bid in the open suit (or, with, additionally, first-round or maximum-possible and an as-yet-unshown control in another suit, control-bid in that suit).


This software is suitable for all resale business operations regardless of size.


Here is a selection of three of pop music, from three different reset switch control broadcast the music start playing, No operating circumstances, SCM consecutive broadcast, regardless of when to press the button after a certain, corresponding music will be broadcast.


In chapterⅡ, considering GLMMs data which the number of high units is different and the number of low units is small and unbalanced, we Conduct a series of simulations, the simulations show that regardless of the number of the level 2 units,the Bayesian estimate of random effects residual variance is more precise than PQL and the PQL estimation deviates from the true value seriously; In terms of the fixed effects estimates, When the number of level 2 units is 20, The mean and median of the Bayesian estimate is more precise than PQL,But With the number of level 2 units increase,the estimate of two methods is similar. Thus, in practical applications, we recommend the use of Bayesian method.


"The ast use of makes the statement that they seem to be effectie in reducing symptoms or preenting relapse, or they would hae been abandoned," Leopold and colleagues write."Another important possibility is that many patients hae self-limited disease that will resole regardless of treatment, and their physicians could be prescribing what they think will work."

"抗生素的广泛使用造成了这样一种认识:抗生素有助于缓解症状或预防复发,或者是抗生素的使用是不受限制的" Leopold及其同事在研究中这样写到"另一种重要的可能性是许多患者患上一些不需要治疗即可痊愈的自愈性疾病,而他们的医生则可能开局一些他们认为有效的处方"。

My daughter asked in accordance with the doctor to check that the scar is too small, do not meet the requirements, it is necessary to us to review resow chest hospital may be to the side, the doctor said that the pay role resow large, the children reflected the adverse serious, but only under the provisions of CDC, as long as the species that are not allowed regardless of the success of another species of the second.


Having a restful sleep is important regardless if you're camping or not.


Managers who expressed preferences toward risks were significantly more likely to believe that their behavior were risky, regardless of the actual riskiness of their actions.


Toys - regardless of the age of your child it is important to rotate toys to provide variety.


Regardless, though, they do have a rough-and-ready character from their slightly uneven shapes that gives a natural variety to the resulting designs that somehow makes them feel more comfortable, aged and homey.


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Regardless (Snippet)
Carry On Regardless

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
