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与 regardless 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Parkinson's Fourth Law : The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done.


A parolee shall return to prison where he/she commits a new offense regardless of the nature,form or penalty of the offense while a parolee may not reurn to prison where he/she is discovered that he /she hsa evaded a crime.


Now, regardless of the reason, let's see what happens if we have multiple partitions.


Regardless if you like him or not, he is passably the greatest player to ever play the power forward spot in NBA history, he and Stockton lead the Jazz to their only two NBA finals' appearances, and he is probably the most recognized player to ever play for the Jazz.


Regardless of passers-by look at my eyes I just do how I did not like me is how people can like me, but I saw in the eyes of passersby ...


The pursuit of her Pekinese dog just the same as when received by not cherish and give him a chance he thought the matter of course, the final against the powerful temptation Paipaipigu Han and regardless of the leave.""


It becomes more difficult to manage, integrate and share the control system real-time data when we set up the industrial real-time database because of complicated affair between every department and isomeric character of the system. A three-level-structure model and the method to establish database is provided based on CORBA criterion with its character of being regardless of programming languages, hardware platform and network protocol . A universal real-time database faces multi-system is also set up by learning the distributed criterion, it can realize the request broker , and the application software can visit the database pellucidly ; Thus the power station simulation model can be linked with the control system such as infi90 , ovation and be made use of the control object , a closed simulation and control experiment system is set up. Further more we can build an integrate automatic experiment platform from the simulation object of power plant to the process control and the to SIS. Li Ming(Control Theory and Control Engineering)Directed by associate prof. Lin Yongjun


In EC - Bed Linen, the Appellate Body reversed the Panel's conclusion that "an interpretation of Article 2.2.2 under which sales not in the ordinary course of trade are excluded from the determination of the profit amount to be used in the calculation of a constructed normal value is permissible".(37) The Appellate Body emphasized that Article 2.2.2 refers to "actual amounts incurred and realized by other exporters and producers" and concluded that, in the light of this wording, in the calculation of weighted average all of the actual amounts have to be included, regardless of whether the underlying sales were made in the ordinary course of trade or not

在EC - Bed Linen案中,调查机构推翻了专家组所认为的"依据条款2.2.2的解释,排除在非正常贸易过程中适用确立计算正常价值的计算是可允许的"(37)调查机构强调,条款2.2.2是指"其他出口商和生产者所产生的和已实现的实际数量",并且推断,依据这些措辞,在计算不得不包括的所有实际数量的加权平均值时,不管以下销售是否是在正常贸易过程中进行

The cubage and the quality of the building is succinctness. The annex and the tower are two occlusive cuboids; those are a horizontal one and a longitudinal one. Because the original surface project design made too much "additional", regardless of the own characteristics of the building, set too much components, balusters and persiennes, that resulted verbose image.


Here's an interesting thought: Instead of making excuses, pointing fingers or stalling, first acknowledge the error, taking personal responsibility regardless of who is actually at fault.


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Regardless (Snippet)
Carry On Regardless

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
