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与 refuse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Execution refers to a legal system which the debtees can adopt to demand law enforcement from the executive organs if they are granted judgments and the debtors refuse to perform them.


Countries that have a choice will refuse to be bound by the diktats of an organisation subservient to those they view as either present or past imperialists.


If they have been scattered and can nowhere be found, it is our will, supported by the penalty of excommunication or ecclesiastical interdict to be automatically incurred by the lands and domain of the ruler, that, after a just estimate has been made about them, the said prelates receive satisfaction through those who carried out the said sequestrations, applications or dispersals or who gave orders for them to be carried out; and further, that their goods and the goods of those subject to them, wherever these may be found, may be seized and held if, after being warned, they refuse to obey.

如果它们已经被分散,可没有找到,这是我们的意愿,得到了惩罚绝罚或教会阻截自动招致的土地和域的统治者,在一个公正的估计已取得了他们,上述主教得到满意通过这些谁进行了说sequestrations ,应用程序或分散或谁给了订单,他们将要进行;并进一步,他们的商品和货物的这些问题给他们,这些地方可能会发现,可能被没收并举行后,如果被警告,他们拒绝服从。

He also said:"Our dogmatists are lazybones.They refuse to undertake any painstaking study of concrete things, they regard general truths as emerging out of the void, they turn them into purely abstract unfathomable formulas, and thereby completely deny and reverse the normal sequence by which man comes to know truth."


Dry refuse is often thrown into dustbins or waste paper baskets. In the old times, a great deal of it was sent to be burned in.

4 主以公义的灵和焚烧的灵,将锡安女子的污秽洗5去,又将耶路撒冷中杀人的血除净。

Lava elementals fight for their own territory and refuse to share with their fiery brethren.


I found that I simply could not refuse her, because she's always so good, then to empathetic.


Municipal refuse landfills not only impropriately occupy abundant city land,but also make much useful resource for instance carbon,hydrogen,kalium,calcium,magnesium,phosphor,iron,manganese,copper wasted,even more have environment damaged,sometimes bring exploders.


Moreover, second-winding current waveform of a current transformer is calculated under the transient current of the typical short-circuit fault by numerical method. The analysis shows that the relevant protection equipment may refuse to trip when the fault current is extra high. It will result in the maloperation of protective relays for loss of their selectivity, and cause other protective relays to operate beyond range, and extend the scope of shutdown of power supply.


When about the year 1580 certain English Catholics, under stress of grievous persecution, defended the lawfulness of attending Protestant services to escape the fines imposed on recusants, the Jesuit Father Persons published, under the pseudonym of Howlet, a clear exposition of the "Reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to Church".

当关于1580年的某些英语天主教徒,在压力下的严重迫害,辩护的合法性,出席新教服务,以逃避罚款,对recusants ,耶稣的父亲人士发表后,根据化名的howlet ,明确阐述了&的原因catholiques拒绝专家组教会&。

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I Refuse
Refuse To Bow Down
Refuse To Lose
I Refuse
Sorry Is Not Enough
Break It Up
Been There, Done That
Born To Win
See This Evil

General Washington saw once again that there was no hope for the United States under the Articles of Confederation.


This is the number of lines that follow.


Scientists told us that these ideas were baseless.
