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与 reform 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to the nonproprietary characteristic of the functional authority of planning and designing institutional unit, the reform concerning with the systems in should not be confined only within the perfection in management system.


The society survived serious accusations of charlatanry leveled against its founder and certain other leaders, and it reached the peak of its influence under its next important leader, Annie Besant, a reform-minded Englishwoman.


Bush summoned the nation's governors to Charlottesville, Va., to attempt a standards-based approach to school reform.


The intricate business of forcing his offspring into the charmed circle of royalty-by-birth, the negotiations with Charles for example over recognition of the new duchies, runs like a subtle poison through what was, despite the very evident Renaissance worldliness of this great pope, the leading policy of his reign, the calling of this council that would reform the life of the Church and heal the divisions in Germany.

最后,教宗成功,这使他的封地的duchies帕尔马和皮亚琴察,切割出来的国家的教会,并娶皮耶路易吉的儿子-奥塔维奥-自然女儿查理五世的复杂业务,迫使他后代的魅力循环版税的出生,谈判与查理例如在承认新duchies ,运行像一个微妙的是什麼毒药通过,但非常明显的文艺复兴俗气这个伟大的教宗,他的主要政策在位期间,呼叫本局,将改革的生命教会和治愈的分裂在德国。

This Brief constituted the Magna Charta of the Conventuals, and henceforth any reform of the order on the lines of the rule was out of the question.

这个简短构成了大宪章的Conventuals ,以及今后的任何改革秩序的路线规则是不可能的。

In full at the beginning of the reform, China's Sinopec in the IPO prospectus promised to Shanghai Petrochemical and Yizheng Chemical Fiber integration, the time for investors to follow the example of the privatization of China Petrochemical Qilu Petrochemical Company is expected to four very strong, but the China Petrochemical The final share price is too high and that they will be integrated indefinitely postponed.


Reform is the only way to revive Chian,it is the will of all the people ,irreversible


Methods: Consult VP diagnosis standard of American psychiatry institute what WHO promulgated, we chose 80 VD sufferer. We adopt study method of random and comfort drug comparison, both blind method to dose and front and bank of oneself chiasma test. We chose MMSE and ADL to evaluate curative effect through comparing Statistic mark before cure and after cure. Results: We had treated 72 VD sufferer on Jiannaoyizhi capsule. In these patients, there are 15 obvious efficiency, 38 efficiency and 19 inefficiency. The total efficiency is 73.61%. It has obvious reform action on cognizing obstacle and behavior.


In the middle and later period of Ming Dynasty, the political system changed a lot under the influence of Confucianism, that is a part of ethnic minority deeply influenced by Confucianism began to have the political reform, that is abolishing the native chiefdom system and bringing the ethnic minorities under unified provincial administration.


However, in the process of reform and opening up, new ideas began to produce, in its childishness to maturity in the process inevitably be some bad ideas.


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Invoke Reform
The Calm Before Reform
Devastation And Reform

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
