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与 reform 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this first bath of hot land for spring breeze of reform and opening up, creating a three-day floor of the "Shenzhen speed", the birth of the country's first stock exchange, the first local commercial banks, but also nurture a storm dare to dare to try, dare to For the world to the spirit of reform and innovation.


The reform of human resource management system is the landmark of the reform of the whole state-owned enterprises.


Overall, for lank of systematic and comprehensive consideration and arrangement,there are still many problems for the vocational education reform, for example, the reform carried on is not thorough, with the very big blindness; the existence of old teaching pattern ideas;and the old education system has not fundamentally changed.


Latitudinally, the author summarizes the reform, characteristics, problems and trends of the system from different angles and provides enlightenment for the reform of examinations and admissions system to higher education in China.


Since the key point in the reform on method of calculation and payment of basic old-age benefit is to address the transitional problem of the "persons in between," in order to ensure a smooth progress of reform, the Decisions requires people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to work out specific transitional measures on the basis of careful calculation, which should follow the principles of reasonable linkup of the benefit's level and a stable transition between old and new policies.


Therefore, positively advances the interest rate marketability reform is one of current our country finance reform important tasks.


We shall encourage dominating enterprises to merge with, restructure and administer under the custody the difficulty-ridden ones, declare bankruptcy of the insolvent enterprises with losses for long time and little hope of recovery, reinforce the guidance and regulation in the reform of small and medium circulation enterprises, standardize the operation during the restructuring of enterprises, prevent the loss of state assets, prevent the evasion and suspension of debts owned to banks, balance the reform, development and stability in a correct way, maintain legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff, as well as maintain the social stability.


Competent commercial departments at all localities shall actively coordinate pertinent local departments for support small and medium circulation enterprises to promulgate tax and financial support policies related to pioneering work encouragement and supports given to small and medium circulation enterprises for business innovation, technical innovation and market exploration, reduce costs for the restructuring and reform of small and medium circulation enterprises, encourage the financing by means of income from operation of state-owned enterprises' assets, liquidity of commercial land, reduction of state-owned capital in circulation enterprises, transfer and financial allocation, in places where conditions permit, set up special funds for the reform of state-owned small and medium circulation enterprises which shall be used to pay the restructuring fee which is payable by and fails to be paid by restructured enterprises lacking strength to do so, and to pay the social insurance and economic compensation, the payment of which the cash after liquidity of assets of enterprises in bankruptcy is not sufficient to cover, actively coordinate with the local department for real estate administration for its support, solve problems on the ownership of commercial real estate which has been used for long by state-owned small and medium circulation enterprises, and earnestly implement the preferential policies of the State concerning the reemployment of laid-off workers by enterprises and concerning the establishment of small and medium enterprises by laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises.


With the mercerization of the economy and the increasing internationalization, China's accounting reform and tax reform has been to deepen. In this process, the difference between financial accounting and tax accounting becomes bigger and bigger. The enforcement of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and Enterprise Income Tax Law make the new difference appear.


Reform by all means, but reform methodically and with a sense of what you will gain by it.


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Invoke Reform
The Calm Before Reform
Devastation And Reform

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
