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与 reform 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We must establish the unified household registration control system, realize the true equality of civil status, pay attention to reform's dynamics and order, carry on the corresponding reform in systems of human affairs, education, medical service, peel the present household register system's social welfare and other social function, promote the legalization of household register management, in order to establish household register system which manifests the equality, the city and countryside overall plan, the administrative control and the market advancement unify and realizes the freedom to change one's residence.


"Continued reform of China's exchange rate policies is an integral part of this broader reform process," he said.


Accordingly, it is current that exert oneself advances afore-mentioned domains to reform the main job that I save reform.


Therefore, our country government carried out the VAT reform of the eight industries, such as the power industry, the extractive industry, in 3 provinces of Northeast China in July 2004.In July 2007, the reform area extended to 26 old industry base cities in 6 provinces of central China. In July 2008, the area extended to 5 eastern League City of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Wenchuan County, the earthquake area of Sichuan.

为此,中央于2004年7月在东北三省八大行业进行了增值税改革试点,2007 年7 月,试点范围扩大到中部6 省26 个老工业基地城市的电力业、采掘业等8 大行业;2008 年7 月,又将试点范围扩大到内蒙古自治区东部5 个盟市和四川汶川地震受灾严重地区。

After《Provision of continuing to educate of primary and junior school teacher》of Ministry of Education promulgate in 1999, the training of teachers spread like a raging fire, after promoting a new curriculum reform up to the 2003, the important of the training of teachers meaning much more. On one hand new curriculum reform needed to raise the teachers diathesis during efficiently teachers, but on the other hand, the training of teachers is low effect and flabbiness, how to raise the actual effect with a new curriculum education background leads to go into the textual research then.


Further, as the quantity of consideration influences all investors benefit, therefore non-tradable share reform is also a game that all stakeholders take part in, including non-floating stock holders, floating stock holders, SAC and so on, as a result, non-tradable share reform will benefit from a fair and reasonable ideas of consideration greatly.


The implementation of reform and opening up and the modernization drive, emancipate and develop productive forces, in line with the fundamental interests of the working class, which is also the working class and the modernization drive of reform and opening up the most basic driving force.


" No reform will be dealt with seriously without political reform," says Mr Genro, meaning changes to the way Congress is elected and the imposition of party discipline.


Centering on the above mentioned, on November 1-2, 2008, in Haikou, the Chinese Academy of Reform and Development and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit co-organized a national forum entitled the "Next Step on China's Reform: Change and Choice".


In addition to personal income tax reform, a legacy gift tax will be positive, property tax, consumption tax reform studies.


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Invoke Reform
The Calm Before Reform
Devastation And Reform

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
