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与 reform 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The discipline structure was formed in the reform of college in the early years of the new nation, and was made to the comprehensive adjustment in "the Great Leap Forward". Although it has suffered the significant setback at "the Great Cultural Revolution", finally it realized the historic surmount after the reform and open policy , and it alleviates the disconformity between the discipline structure and the development of economic society in certain degree. However, the discipline the scale blind expansion of the discipline, the slow development of emerging and the interdisciplinary studies, the disadvantage discipline environment and so on exist .All those could not adapt the current comprehensive construction of the well-off society and harmonious social request.


Third, development and perfection of system of distribution mainly include perfection of budget (the principle of budgeted revenue and expenditure in balance, unification of budget system, perfection of double budget and strengthen of supervision on budget), reform of tax system(realization of fairness in tax, coordination of profit distribution of tax, pushing on reform of tax system and complying out tax law),distributive system of financial expenditure(the goal of public financial, structure of financial expenditure, scale of financial expenditure, supervision of financial expenditure, efficiency of financial capital) etc.


Bureau of organs inside the 18 functional departments, namely, office, party office to the Personnel Section, Finance Audit Division, law enforcement Supervision Department to monitor the room, Market Management Division, Property Management Section, Housing Management Division, Property Management Division, Demolition Management Division, Housing Reform Business Management Section, Management Section, affordable housing, and housing reform fund management division transformation of the old Management Section, the Development Enterprise Management Division, Development Project Management Division, residential property management section.


The economic crisis is an opportunity to reform China's steel industry, consolidating production at home and acquiring assets abroad, but with the economic stimulus already driving steel and iron ore prices back up, the window of opportunity for reform may be closing fast.


In recent years, the United States demanded the reform of the electoral college system and calls for, but because of a number of factors impede the reform has always been impossible.


We need to address electoral reform and reform of parliament.


English curriculum reform is the core content of elementary education reform.


This too is a kind of reform, an ideological reform, an emancipation of the mind.


The development and reform process of Indian electric power industry are presented,and the whole scheme of Indian electric power industry reform before and after the enaction of "2003 Electric Power Act" is illuminated.


Major reform of the basic idea is to establish a new household registration system reform and perfect the other system, at the same time, and coordination with others, based on the actual situation in China around the different, so reforms can not be "broad-brush", we should proceed from reality , Cautiously steady progress.


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Invoke Reform
The Calm Before Reform
Devastation And Reform

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
