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与 reform 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After several dozens years reform and the development, China's owed the developed local countryside credit association to obtain the very big result, but still had many problems in the reform process.


Since adoption of reform and open policy, our economy has gained wonderful development, but in the meantime, many stubborn new problems are brought about, which cumber further reform.


In theory, such kinds of reforms deviate the ethical spirit of the basic education reform, and breach the ethical pursuit of it. Further more, they generate series of educational problems and ethical conflicts, and cumber healthy development of the basic education and progress of the society in the reform practice.


The reform of state-owned commercial bank has lagged behind and then posed cumbrance to the reform of economic system and the normal development of economy.


The reform of the new curricula intrigues the reform of the management.


Reform of court hearing is the key of reform of justice, and one of its important ends is to result the problem of functions between procedure of hearing and procedure of decision.


Proposes are divided into three altogether. First is system innovation, putting forward the concrete method of construction equilibrium information in our country. It is to decontrol the price of interest rate for dispelling the finance depressing, to reform property right for the division of politics and enterprises, to set up credit system for reduce the trade expenses, to perfect management of loan for evading financial risks, etc. Second is mechanism reform. It adds to mix mechanism of plan and market is inevitable choice of China.


This year is derate agriculture duty the first year of reform, should cogent had done reform pilot job this year.


It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a "currency reform" with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new monetary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency.

因此,唯一符合逻辑的是,1948 年西德进行的彻底改革属于"货币改革",期间德国 25 马克被作为新的货币单位推出,而且同时建立了与以前的币种进行交换的固定汇率制。

They are respectively as follows:Ahow to enforce whatever concerning full-time teachers, Bhow to link up the education al courses, Chow to reform evaluating methods, Dhow to reform the curriculum , Ehow to establish good contact between in class and after class activities, Fhow to keep a good contact between school and out of school activities.


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Invoke Reform
The Calm Before Reform
Devastation And Reform

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
