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与 refining 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other industries include textile and cement production and sugar refining.


The American Sugar Refining Company would certainly be in an ideal position to push any new competitor off the map.


Its widely used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, sugar refining, food, ceramics, metallurgy, coal washing and environmental protection industries.


The sucrose contained in molasses is obviously cheaper, but the compositions of molasses varies greatly with sources, quality of the crop and the nature of the sugar refining process.


Series of activated carbon for food industry , refining sugar , preparation , coca cola


The factory production of program-controlled automatic filter, the current advanced computer control systems, products widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, sugar refining, metallurgy, food, ceramics, starch, sewage treatment and other sectors of solid separation .


The American Sugar Refining Co. was working on a new fractionation method which did not require alcohol and which might prove of great value if alcohol should become in short supply.


The fourth section analyzes sugar-processing industry, including sugar refining enterprise's technology efficiency, production cost diversity and its underlying factors.


The sucrose contained in molasses is obviously cheaper, but the compositions of molasses varies GRE atly with sources, quality of the crop and the nature of the sugar refining process.


Widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, papermaking, sugar refining, brewing, textiles, electric power, military, environmental protection, municipal, building materials, food, pharmaceutical, tobacco and other industries.


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For a big chunk of credit-card losses; the number of filings (and thus charge-off rates) would be rising again, whether


Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind

弗四23 而在你们心思的灵里得以更新

Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.
