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与 refilling 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Industrial Boiler Control Energy Saving System (EAST-2) uses frequency adjustment control and improved measures for air-compressor, wind blaster in coal-burning blowers; water pumps and blower exhaust; boiler exhaust speed control, water refilling system design and gas burning boiler. Its average power saving rate is 30-50%.


Because all of these approaches involve destructive sampling and/or could themselves create artifacts (e.g., Cochard et al. 2000, 2001), unequivocal evidence for local refilling that restores the ability of previously cavitated conduits to transport water under tension remains elusive.

因为所有这些做法涉及破坏性取样和/或可自己创造的文物(如cochard等人, 2000年, 2001年),明确的证据显示,为当地加油站恢复的能力,以前的空穴管道运输水压力的情况下依然渺茫。

Plants may generate the positive pressures necessary for refilling within the roots, throughout the stem, or locally, within the cavitated conduit.

在茎各处,或地方性地,在 cavitated 导管里面,植物可能产生对在根里面再将注满是必需的正压。

It has only been reported in a small number of trees (e.g., Sperry et al. 1994, Ewers et al. 2001). Diurnal refilling via root pressure has been reported in some crop species (Tyree et al. 1986, Stiller et al. 2003), but it is unclear whether trees employ root pressure for daily recovery of hydraulic conductivity.

举例来说, Sperry 等人 1994,大口水罐等人 2001 每日的再将注满经由根压力已经被在一些农作物种(Tyree 等人 1986,较静止的等人 2003)方面报告,但是它是不易了解的是否树雇用为水力导电率的每日恢复植根pe from prison 压力。

A compact unit which reduces significantly manual refilling of the flux feed hopper using a venturi powered by compressed air (5 to 7 bar).

5-7 bar 非常精巧的装置,能够减少手工工作,通过压缩空气可以回收焊剂。

SNEAKING IT IN: Many of my readers confess that they've been using store-brand products for years and have been refilling name-brand product containers such as shampoo bottles, liquid soap, laundry detergent, juice, salad dressings, sugar and cereal, to name a few, with less expensive alternatives.


The players were carefully placed in rooms, their names in English and Chinese by the doors, in a hotel with hallways full of nervous waiting staff whose duties consisted of refilling thermoses of tea in the rooms--day and night. The Orchestra was seeing the dawn of a new age in China, but it was seeing the sunset of a great tradition, too.


Very early the next mornin9,Pip sneaks down to the pantry,where he steals some brandy (mistakenly refilling the bottlewith tar-water,though we do not learn this until Chapter 5)and a pork pie for the convict.


Fuel from a test vehicle's fuel tank before accurately refilling the tank to precisely 40% of its capacity.


U.S. Geological Survey seismologists subsequently found a strong link between the quakes and the refilling of the reservoir.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
