英语人>网络例句>reconsider 相关的网络例句

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与 reconsider 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"If there are more incidents like those that happened at the Roma-Real Madrid game we will have to reconsider the plan to have the 2009 final in Rome," Uefa spokesman William Gaillard said today.


Despite its hefty MSRP, the M8 lacked a "full-frame" sensor capable of capturing a complete 35-millimeter image, spurring even Leica lifers to reconsider.


These officials said they also would reconsider the waivers given to overseas trades.


Pure common sense would suggest that Europe should reconsider the strategic costs of only playing Tonto to the American Lone Ranger.


On July 19, on skyline one signs " city drunk a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " netizen hair post says:"Collect fees about net inn my definitely is sued to the court surely industrial and commercial total bureau or carry politics of start on a journey to reconsider, ask each Niu Ren to help ", this card became the central issue that browse very quickly, be gone to by the top inside short time nearly 30 pages, the person that reply also Populars feeling ran high, right " city drunk a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " publish support.


He is said to be pressing the government to reconsider the bill that will allow coup plotters to be tried in civilian courts.


Therefore, I'm asking on behalf of all Paladins for you to strongly reconsider this implementation.


Therefore, I'm asking on behalf of all Paladins for you to strongly reconsider this implementation.


Therefore, I'm asking on behalf of all Paladins for you to strongly reconsider this implementation.


I requested the organisers to reconsider the price of the course and I hope that by the time I arrive everything will be alright.


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Reconsider Baby
Reconsider (U Betta)
Reconsider Baby
Reconsider Baby
Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Rebuild! Restore! Reconsider!)
Reconsider Me
Reconsider Everything

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
