英语人>网络例句>reckless 相关的网络例句

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与 reckless 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We should prevent the revival of reckless action and constantly combat the practice of indiscriminate killing and assassination, which only serves to create confusion in society; at the same time, we should guard against the tendency to allow traitors and saboteurs to run wild.


In leading the people in struggle against the enemy, the Party must adopt the tactics of advancing step by step slowly and surely, keeping to the principle of waging struggles on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint, and making use of such open forms of activity as are permitted by law, decree and social custom; empty clamour and reckless action can never lead to success.


You're immature, irresponsible, reckless, empty-headed and impulsive.


Life is at its bawdiest and most reckless, but death lurks everywhere.


Laughter keeps pace with horror. Life is at its bawdiest and most reckless, but death lurks everywhere.


Moreover, he was beginning to feel towards the pretty and provocative Mademoiselle Bourienne that violent, animal feeling, which was apt to come upon him with extreme rapidity, and to impel him to the coarsest and most reckless actions.


TXT_KEY_EVENT_TRIGGER_HINDENBERG_1 Reckless merchants used hydrogen instead of helium to fill their dirigibles and one has caught fire and crashed in a spectacularly fatal accident.


Those embezzlers and grafters who are reckless with greed must be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy .


Chinese medicine, allergic purpura pathological nature of the actual situation of the points, real disease is a gas fire Kang Sheng, blood heat Wang Xing; Xu Zheng are two: one for overcast virtual fire reckless injury, burns the blood network, a photo of Qi can not be blood, short, due to gas-fire against the chaos, the blood can not follow the blood through the wound caused by network overflow, cause to feel exogenous evils, diet disloyal, congestion retardation and chronic illness mainly Qi blood loss.


Yuanyang upstairs to see that screen bloodshed, Wu NTS edge even after a pool of blood, the table comfortably riding flat silver wine, hides away into the arms; and even the role of careless and reckless to the extreme, such as Li Kui, Yishu Ling Li Kui on leave after the kill, so we can not forget the search into the room to see,"gathered more散碎and a few pieces of silver hairpin loop", have received - Li Kui Although extreme boredom and woman, but also know that these are covered with hairpin loop powder gas can exchange for liquor, according to Helena is not misused.


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The Reckless And The Brave
Reckless Serenade
Reckless And Relentless
Reckless Abandoner
Reckless Boy
Reckless Abandon

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
