查询词典 rebroadcast
- 与 rebroadcast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Chelsea or FC Bayern, Live or Rebroadcast, to be or not to be, that is a question, but enjoy the Europe Championship Cup at the current moments
President Reagan's speech will be rebroadcast in its entirety on the Voice of America immediately following the World News Summary Friday at 0130 GMT.
Globally , TV rebroadcast for Olympic Games has become one of the programmes with the highe st audience rating , large st income and be .
Firstly, this paper puts forward an improved authentication and key distribution scheme for internet environment, in which we adhibit multilevel authentication center, encryption technology of DES, RSA and one-way function to actualize the safety of communication among the different user on network and reduces the workload of the authentication institution; at the same time, this scheme can also assure the security of network. Besides, it use the temporary symbol and the responds" sign of both-side correspondent to replace time stamp and applies them to internet communication to countercheck "rebroadcast attack and accordingly resolves the problem that it needs synchronization for network clock.
Meanwhile, ESPN will broadcast the FIBA Americas Cup games. All told, ESPN will broadcast 10 games, beginning August 22 and ending September 2. The opening game, Team USA vs. Venezuela, will be televised on ESPN2 at 11:00 p.m. EDT on the 22nd and then rebroadcast starting at
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I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""
Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.
由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。
Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .
不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。