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与 reboiler 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper introduced briefly developing trend of propylene rectification technology in gas separating unit and analyzed theoretically the middle reboiler used in propylene rectification column.


Flameout reboiler go on cooking after flameout, save money , save time, free your hand and heart!


Energy savings can be achieved in this distillation system by running one of the columns at a higher pressure and integrating the condenser of the high-pressure column with the reboiler of the low-pressure column.


The system may be operated to keep the top composition constant by increasing the reflux ratio as the composition of the liquid in the reboiler changes.


If global air-failure and valve is kept as FC, steam to reboiler will fail close , reflux will fail open , hence likely that safety valve will not blow.


If global air-failure and valve is kept as FC, steam to reboiler will fail close, reflux will fail open, hence likely that safety valve will not blow.


The pressure booster of spherical LPG tanks works like a siphon reboiler when used for the send-out operation of LPG.


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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
