英语人>网络例句>rebels 相关的网络例句

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与 rebels 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1 The subjection of the rebels took a long time.


The rebels, who are describing themselves as a suicide death squad, are refusing to end the siege until Russian authorities pull their troops out of their troubled Muslim homeland and declare a ceasefire ending three years of conflict.


The engraving, by watchmaker Jonathan Dillon, is dated April 13, 1861, and reads in part:"Fort Sumpter was attacked by the rebels" and "thank God we have a government."


Thousands have died in violence between the rebels and the government of this predominantly Sunni country.


Rebels in the Tauri System claimed they had nukes to trade.


Although there are teacher's pets, such as Britain's Terra Firma, which even has a section on executive pay, there are rebels too.

尽管有循规蹈矩者,比如英国的Terra Firma的报告里面甚至也有一部分关于经理人员薪酬,但也有不遵守规则的。

The prosecution thus has to prove both that Mr Taylor bears responsibility for the actions of a third party, and to show that he was arming the rebels so as to terrorise the Sierra Leonean population and to gain control of the country's diamonds.


Residents of Kiwanja, in eastern Congo, used thin branches to set up a shelter in front of a United Nations base in Kiwanja after rebels fighting with Mr.

刚果, 戈马:在恩孔达率领的叛军与政府军交战之后,使得无数的刚果人丧生,成千上万的民众流离失所。

Of course the marines had other, shorter and cruder names for the rebels this current campaign—codenamed TREBUCHET—was designed to crush.


One concern is security as the pipeline could a target for Tuareg rebels and Al-Qaeda in North Africa.


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Rebels Without A Clue
Pirates And Rebels
The Rebels
Rebels Of The Sacred Heart
Two Rebels
Rebels In Kontrol
Running Rebels
Rebels On The Run
Neon Rebels
Rock & Roll Rebels

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
