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与 readout 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chevrolet Corvette Z06 also has a revised gauge cluster that displays the Z06 logo on the 7000-redline tachometer and has a new readout on the oil pressure gauge to reflect the higher standard pressure of the dry-sump oiling system.


Based on the objective lens and voice coil motor of the current DVD pickup head,according to photobleaching three-dimensional (3D) optical information storage's theory of two-photon absorption,the Ti∶sapphire femtosecond pulse laser was used as written optical beam and reading optical beam of two-photon three-dimensional optical storage voice coil motor was carried through multiplayer choice, and the storage and readout experimental study of binary format code with two-photon photobleaching in the new photobleaching material consisting of stilbene derivant was conducted.

基于现有的DVD光头物镜与音圈电机,根据光致漂白的双光子吸收三维光信息存储原理,以钛蓝宝石飞秒脉冲激光进行双光子光信息写入和读出,利用音圈电机进行选层,在新型光致漂白材料二苯乙烯衍生物中进行光致漂白二进制编码信息的存储和读出实验研究;实现了三层光信息存储,信息点间距和信息层间距分别为4 μm和15 μm;用Matlab软件读出信息的信号强度并对其进行了识别,识别结果与写入的二进制编码信息完全一致。

The BI was monitored as a rapid readout (1~3 hr) and as a color change (24 hr). The effectiveness of BI was also tested by heterogeneous plate counts using a pour plate technique. The CI was scored by degrees of color changes.

BI可进行需时1~3小时之快速判读,及需时24~48小时之颜色判读,亦可将BI之孢子杆菌打出后,使用异营菌培养法(heterotrophic plate count, HPC)计数菌落数;CI则可由色变立即目测判读。

When you replace the pump handle, a readout on the machine will ask you if you want a receipt. Press "Y" for yes or "N" for no.


This digital thermometer design uses the American DALLAS Semiconductor Company after DS1820 promotes one kind of advanced version intelligence temperature sensor DS18B20 takes the detecting element, the temperature measurement scope may amount to 0.0625 degree Celsius for the - 55--125 degree Celsius biggest resolution, may the direct readout measure the temperature to plant, moreover used the three-wire system and the monolithic integrated circuit is connected, reduced the exterior hardware circuit, has at the same time the characteristic which the low cost and easy to use it to have the microminiaturization, the low power loss, the high performance, the anti-jamming ability strong, easy to match merits and so on microprocessor, the especially qualify in constituted the multi-spot temperature observation system, might directly the temperature inversion serial digital signal for microcomputer processing, moreover each piece of DS1820 had onlyThe product number and may store in its ROM, in order to constitution large-scale temperature observation system time hangs on the single track meets willfully many DS1820 chips.


Other great ND-1 Nova Delay features include the ability to choose between ms and bpm readout, decide if you want spillover on individual settings and turn global tempo – where tap tempo determines delay time on user presets - on and off.

其他伟大的钕- 1新星延迟功能,包括能力之间作出选择女士和的BPM读数,决定如果你想溢出就个别设置,把全球的节奏-在哪里塔节奏,决定延迟时间对用户预置-上下车。

This thesis describes the preparation of HTS rf SQUID, the design of the readout andthe innovation of our inductively coupled tank circuit. Using this tank circuit and ourreadout, we achieved the flux white noise of 15 〓/√Hz for an HTS YBCO rf SQUIDwith the loop size of 100×100 μ〓, and a field sensitivity of 24fT/√Hz by using a 1 inchwasher flux focusor.

文中描述了rfSQUID样品制备过程和我们所研制的rfSQUID读出电路的设计思想和实现方法,给出了我们所发明的电感耦合谐振回路的特性,对于内孔为100x100 μ〓的rf SQUID样品,用这种谐振回路和我们的读出电路,白噪声可测到15μ〓/√Hz左右,用1英寸的聚焦器可获得24fT/√Hz的磁场灵敏度。

Any steam pressure variations will lead to inaccuracies in readout unless a density compensation package is included.


Control panel has temperature controls and digital thermocouple readout with four-position selector switch.


An SD, dual-line CCD with a resolution of 720 × 480 outputs 173kb per readout. At 60i, the bandwidth required is 10Mb/s.

一个分辨率为720 × 480的标清双线CCD ,每次读出时输出173kb的数据。60i时,需要的带宽为10Mb / s。

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If parents give their children a large number of unauthorized use of fish liver mooring, or injection of calcium and vitamin D and so on, can easily cause vitamin D overdose or poisoning; because these drugs are mainly used to treat rickets, and rickets in children caused by the teeth when the evening, his condition has become a very serious thing, if a square skull, ribs moniliforme, chicken, varus or valgus knees were "X" or O-shaped legs and so on.


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Gives the line you typed the Heading 1 style.
