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与 read over 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We had heard them, sometimes standing in the rain almost out of earshot, so that only the shouted words came through, and had read them, on proclamations that were slapped up by billposters over other proclamations, now for a long time, and I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it.


Then, the crowds for ever passing and repassing on the bridges (on those which are free of toil at last), where many stop on fine evenings looking listlessly down upon the water with some vague idea that by and by it runs between green banks which grow wider and wider until at last it joins the broad vast sea--where some halt to rest from heavy loads and think as they look over the parapet that to smoke and lounge away one's life, and lie sleeping in the sun upon a hot tarpaulin, in a dull, slow, sluggish barge, must be happiness unalloyed--and where some, and a very different class, pause with heaver loads than they, remembering to have heard or read in old time that drowning was not a hard death, but of all means of suicide the easiest and best.


To guide our own craft, we must be captain, pilot, engineer; with chart and compass to stand at the wheel; to watch the winds and waves, and know when to take in the sail, and to read the signs in the firmament over all.


Like all styles, those read as kacha vary over time, but among men they have included the wearing of large blocky sunglasses popular in Tibet, polyester pants, and thin-soled olive-green cloth army shoes (in contrast to the US-inspired jeans, T-shirts, and brand-name sneakers favored by exile youth).


And this new big hair salon advertised in the newspapers and posted signs all over the town that read,"Six-dollar hair cuts. Everything for only six dollars!"


And this new big hair salon advertised in the newspapers and posted signs all over the town that read ."Six-dollar hair cuts.Everything for only six dollars!"


And this new big hair salon advertised in the newspapers and posted signs all over the town that read ."Six-dollar hair cuts.Everything for only six dollars!" And soon almost all of his customers began going to the new salon across the street for six-dollar haircuts.


The most conducive environments for passive RFID are chaotic or unstructured business processes where RFID's ability to read without a direct line of sight gives it the edge over traditional bar-coding methods.

对主动RFID 相关环境是混沌或非结构化的业务流程,RFID能够无线读取的能力让它领先于传统条码读取的方法。

The ironic part is that the principal spent quite a bit of time talking about attitude but when he began, I saw some teachers take their cell phones out. Some slouched in their chairs and read magazines. Others hunched over their lesson books to prepare for class. Many others simply talked in hushed tones about everything under the sun except the meeting.


Marry a person who likes talking; because when you get old, you'll find that chatting[13] to be a great advantage; Find time for yourself. Life will change what you are but not who you are; Remember that silence is golden; Read more books and watch less television; Live a noble and honest life. Reviving[14] past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again; Trust God, but don't forget to lock the door; The harmonizing[15] atmosphere of a family is valuable; Try your best to let family harmony flow smoothly; When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble[16] over the appetizers[17]; You cannot hold onto yesterday; Figure out the meaning of someone's words; Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition; Treat our earth in a friendly way, don't fool around[18] with mother nature[19]; Do the thing you shod do; Don't trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes; Go to a place you've never been to every year. If you earn much money, the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive; Remember, not all the best harvest is luck; Understand res completely and change them reasonably; Remember, the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them; Comment[20] on the success you have attained[21] by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most; In love and cooking, you must give 100% effort… but expect little appreciation.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
