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与 read over 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you dream of having your palms read then you are in danger of becoming an object of suspicion and ridicule over some matter that you may have gossiped about.


For starters as you write the series you will find it draws people back to your blog over a number of days because they want to find out what you've got to say next. Secondly it's also great once you've finished the series because if you're smart about interlinking them you'll find that people will read your series (with each post on a different page) from start to finish.


Each stasis is a holy shrine, only opened on sacred occasions for Techmarines to enter and tend to slumbering machines with sacred oils and holy unguents,and to read the Litanies of Preservation over them, but during the ceremony the machines are not awoken their sleep.

每一个沉睡掩体都是一个圣地,只有在神圣的纪念日才会开放,以供技术军士进入,用神圣的机油和润滑油维护这些沉睡的机器,并且还要对着他们读《Litanies of Preservation》,但是在仪式过程中这些机器不会被唤醒。

Second, because you are luckier than over 2 billion people in the world that cannot read at all.


The celebrity editor, who announced this week she was stepping down to pursue other, unspecified opportunities, presided over a two-thirds increase in circulation during her tenure, in part by recognizing that young, affluent women like herself wanted to read edgier, newsier celebrity journalism — lots of it.


That night in my rented room, while letting the hot water run over my can of pork and beans in the sink, I opened A book of prefaces and began to read.


Years later, Yilin Press is reprinting this book and invites me to write a preface, so I read it all over again.


Before Jesse was old enough to read, he busily followed his father's plow-horse, lifting the rocks unearthed by the blade and lugging them over to be neatly piled as part of the fences rimming the fields.


When you scroll over the note, it solidifies and you are then able to read it.


Now most of my writing is typing, but my notes are still hand-written and I've looked back over my notebook at Yoropen-written pages against ordinary ball-pen-written ones – the comparison is amazing – tidier and much easier to read.

Yoropen 是一年前我太太在gadget买给我的圣诞节礼物,很聪明的举动将你的网站印在笔管上。我已订购一些备品而且也买1支给我65岁的朋友,他也可以写字写得整齐。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
