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与 re-upping 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You're mine when you're bleeding!


If you're not tracking your keywords or where your sales are coming from, you're flying blind.


We're flying blind," says Dartmouth's Dr. Elliott Fisher."We're getting quantity, not quality.

我们在盲目的飞" Dartmouth研究所的医生Elliott Fisher说,"我们只重数量,忽略了质量

You're supposed to find out that they're blood brother and sisters,as they look alike.


You're my son and you're my blood.


Potato chips aren't rubbery and blubbery like fat,they're crispy and crunchy like lettuce,that proves they're diet food!


The difference here is that when you're in the twilight, you're transformed into a blue-eyed wolf.


If you're infected with Smalldoor BM, you should know what you're fighting.


The Charterers to provide and/or pay for (unless incurred for Owners' purpose or during loss of time on Owners' account whether or not the Vessel is off-hire) all fuel for main engines and auxiliary engines (a lumpsum of per calendar month or pro rata for any part of a month is deductible from hire payments to cover Vessel's domestic use of fuel), port charges, compulsory pilotages, boatage, tug-assistance, consular fees (except those for Owners' account under Clause 8), canal, dock and other dues ( except those collected by the international or local organizations of shipowners or seamen) and charges including any foreign general municipality or statetaxes, also all dock, harbour and tonnage dues at the ports of delivery and re-delivery (unless incurred before delivery or after re-delivery), agencies, commissions also to arrange and pay for loading, trimming, stowing (including dunnage, but Owners allow Charterers the use of any dunnage already on board the Vessel), unloading, weighing and tallying cargoes, meals supplied to officials and men in their service and all other charges and expenses.


The Charterers to provide and/or pay for (unless incurred for Owners' purpose or during loss of time on Owners' account whether or not the Vessel is off-hire)(a lumpsum of from hire per payments all fuel for main engines and auxiliary engines calendar month or pro rata for any part of a month is deductible to cover Vessel's domestic use of fuel), port charges, compulsory pilotages, fees (except those for Owners' account under by the boatage, tug-assistance, consular Clause 8), canal, dock and other dues international or local organizations ( except those collected of shipowners or seamen) and charges also all dock, harbour (unless incurred before including any foreign general municipality or statetaxes, and tonnage dues at the ports of delivery and re-delivery delivery or after re-delivery), agencies, commissions also to arrange and pay for loading, trimming, stowing (including dunnage, but Owners allow Charterers the use of any dunnage already on board the Vessel), unloading, weighing and tallying cargoes, meals supplied to officials and men in their service and all other charges and expenses.

租船人 9.Charterers Provide 租船人供应及/或支付(除非共应项目为船东的事物而发生或在船东造成的时间损失内发生,不论是否租停)主机和辅机用的全部油料(为了补偿船上人员的生活用油,每日历月定额,可在支付租金中扣除,不足一月者,按比例扣减),港口费,强制引水,舢板,拖船,领事费(但按第 8 条属于船东支付者除外),运河,码头及其他捐税(但属于国际或本地船东或海员组织所征收者除外)和费用包括任何外国市政税和国税,还支付交船港和还船港的一切码头,港口和吨税(除非在交船前或还船后发生),代理,佣金等费用,并且安排和支付装载,平舱,码垛包括垫料,但船东允许租船人使用船上已有的垫料,卸载,过磅和理货,上船执行职务的官员和人员的伙食以及其他各项费用。

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They're Not Horses, They're Unicorns
You're A Dancer, You're Not A Lover
You're So Good When You're Bad
Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail
They're Not Here, They're Not Coming
You're My Heart, You're My Soul
You're My One, You're My Only, You're My Beer
You're 39, You're Beautiful And You're Mine
You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful You're Mine)
You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful And You're Mine)

And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve.

22:3 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。

Teachers to consciously reflect on the study of theory and practice, constantly adjust and perfect their knowledge structure, in understanding the future of education, and social life on the basis of a correct conception of modern education bioethics.


But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology .
