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This thesis deals with oil-water flow rate measurement using a venturi and develops a differential pressure-based two-phase flow rate measurement model, which does a terrific job with the use of a water fraction device. Meanwhile, Coriolis flow rate meter is also studied in the oil-water two-phase flow measurement and a SVM-based single-phase flow rate prediction method is proposed, realizing the prediction of single-phase flow rates. To overcome the disadvantages of both venturi and Coriolis flow meters, a double parameter measurement method is put forward, which combines the two meters and solves the problem of oil-water flow rate measurement. Last but not least, on the basis of the study of two-phase flow, a device for the separation of gas and liquid is designed and realizes the flow rate measurement of three-phase flow as oil, gas and water.
The structure of this article is as follows: Firstly, the background of this article is stated in exordia and the question was raised; chapter one stated cash flow management theory and transnational corporations' cash flow management characters; chapter two introduced general cash flow management technical and method; chapter three analysis cash flow management situation of Chinese transnational corporations; chapter four take VW as an example to expatiate company situation and the impact to cash flow management by the organization of the company, the goal of cash flow management and financing strategy, then introduce the cash flow forecast module, at last analysis the experience and disadvantage of VW's cash flow management; Chapter five give some suggestions to Chinese local transnational corporations for cash flow management including: using proper cash flow management technical and establish scientific process, ect.; the last part is the conclusion This article took VW's cash flow management as an example to descried transnational corporation cash flow management theory and practical issues, but some techniques can only be used in some country where can exchange currency freely; it can not be practical in some foreign exchange administration countries including China, such kind of cash flow module still under discussion based on theory.
objective to evaluate efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyfor treating ureteral stones in situ,investigate the cause of higher re-treatment rate.methods total of 687 patients with ureteral stone were received eswl between january 2000 and december 2004,included 455 male(66.2%) and 232 female(33.8%) patients,6 cases have bilateral ureteral calculi,12 cases have unilateral multiple calculi.hence,together 709 ureteral calculi were treated.patients upper ureteral calculi were treated in the supine position,for lower ureteral calculi patients were turned prone.to reduce eswl-induced renal trauma and pain,using lower energy source,adjusted power setting from 9.8 to 13.2kv,limited 1500 shock wavs per one session.no auxiliary procedure were used before eswl.the stone size was measured as the surface area of stone length by stone width on x-ray film.the interval between two treatment sessions was two weeks.results of 709 ureteral calculi,the overall stone free rate was 97.3%(690 calculi),re-treatment rate was 34.1%(292 calculi).according to the performed treatment sessions,one session 467 calculi,the mean stone size 37.27mm2,stone free rate 65.4%(464 calculi).two sessions 138 calculi,the mean stone size 62.48mm2,stone free rate 18.4%(131calculi).three sessions 52 calculi,the mean stone size 79.60mm2,stone free rate 7.1%(50calculi).four sessions 19 calculi,the mean stone size 101.63mm2,stone free rate 2.4%(17calculi).fivesessions 33 calculi,the mean stone size 119.33mm2,stone free rate 3.9%(28 calculi).overall 19 cases(2.7%)turned to other treatment modalities.of 335 upper ureteral calculi,303 achieved stone free (95.8%),re-treatment rate was 38.5%(129 calculi).of 374 lower ureteral calculi,369 achieved stone free(98.7%),re-treatment rate was 30.2%(113 calculi).the re-treatment rate of upper ureteral calculi was higher than lower ureteral calculi(p<0.05,χ2=5.40).the difference of stone-free rate between upper and lower ureteral calculi was no significant(p>0.05,χ2=0.15).conclusion eswl should be considered first line therapy for ureteral stone still.stone burden are the main variable of higher re-treatment rate,upper ureteral stone may moving with respiring during eswl.so efficinet shock wave was decreared,re-treatment rate become higher.
目的 评估体外震波碎石治疗输尿管结石的疗效,探讨再治疗率高的原因及输尿管结石的治疗选择。方法回顾2000年1月~2004年12月间eswl治疗输尿管结石的临床资料687例,男455例(66.2%),女232例(33.8%),平均年龄46.6岁(15~83岁)。有双侧输尿管结石6例,单侧多发性输尿管结石12例(4颗1例,3颗2例,2颗9例),共计输尿管结石709颗(含透光结石13颗)。应用上海爱申公司生产的desunit6030型碎石机,c臂x线球管做结石定位。上段输尿管结石(肾盂输尿管交界处至骶髂关节上缘)取仰卧位,下段输尿管结石(骶髂关节上缘下至输尿管口)取俯卧位。为减少eswl引起的肾损伤和疼痛,应用较低的能量,震波发生器电压从9.8~13.2kv,震波频率1.5s。每次治疗设定为1500次震波。治疗后3天摄腹部平片或b超,以后每隔7日重复检查。假如结石未碎或有残留结石最长径>3mm以上,再次eswl,两次治疗的间隔时间为两周。结石的大小用x线片上的表面积(mm2表示。结果 709颗输尿管结石总的治愈率为97.3%(690颗),再治疗率34.1%(242颗)。其中一次治疗467颗,平均结石大小37.27mm2,治愈464颗(65.4%),3颗改治疗;两次治疗138颗,平均结石大小62.48mm2,治愈131颗(18.5%),7颗改治疗;第1和第2次治疗治愈率(1个月治愈率)为83.8%。3次治疗52颗,平均结石大小79.60mm2,治愈50颗(7.1%),2颗改治疗;4次治疗19颗,平均结石大小101.63mm2,治愈17颗(2.4%),2颗改治疗;5次及5次以上治疗33颗,平均结石大小119.33mm2,治愈28颗(3.9%),5颗改治疗。总计19颗(2.7%)结石改变治疗方式。上段输尿管结石335颗,治愈321颗(95.8%),再治疗129颗(38.5%)。下段输尿管结石374颗,治愈369颗(98.7%),再治疗113颗(30.2%)。经χ2检验,上、下段输尿管结石的再治疗率差异有显著性(χ2=5.40,p<0.05),治愈率差异无显著性(χ2=0.15,p>0.05)。不良反应:血压升高13例(1.9%),震波区域疼痛26例(3.8%),震波进入处皮肤点状淤血33例(4.8%),肉眼血尿128例(18.6%),均于第2、3天自行消失。结论 eswl目前仍是输尿管结石的第一线治疗,结石的大小是再治疗率高的主要因素。结石的位置有影响,上段输尿管结石可随呼吸移动,有效震波次数减少,再治疗率比下段输尿管结石高。eswl前注重病例筛选可降低再治疗率。
In this paper the importation of translations that the value orientation of personnel, organization and personnel employment orientation towards the mobile space changes focusing on concepts, organizations, systems, cultural, and social aspects of China's human impact on the flow of major issues, from the political, economic, cultural, market, environment etc., the promotion and protection of the rational flow of talents to deal with comments and suggestions, as follows: In politics, setting up the political sense of talent with the progress of time spirit, implementing roundly the strategy to strengthen nation by relying on talent, establishing quickly the system to manage talent and reforming the system of personnel; In economy,talent flow corresponding with economic construction, assorting talent's structure with economic structure, paying attention to the economic benefit from talent flow, quickening to construct the social welfare system of talent, founding the flexible system of employment and reducing the cost of talent flow; In culture, stressing on the functions of culture for talent flow, cultural model corresponding with the model of talent flow, sparking plug the excellent culture to facilitate talent flow and erecting the cultural system to motivate talent flow; In marketing, unifying the thinking to developing talent market, enhancing the construction of talent market and fastening the growth of service agency for talent; In surroundings, grasping the elements of talent surroundings, optimizing the circumstance of talent flow and building the condition to look after the security of talents.
The invention discloses a measuring method for firing conclusion and gas flow rate in the process of liquid, gas fuel firing, which comprises the following steps: positing three points on fuel transmission pipe, air pipe and gas pipe, setting regular measuring device or sampling device, measuring the flue's element and flow rate of point 1, air element of point 2, and gas element of point 3, inputting the data of three points into computing unit, computing air flow rate Mair, gas flow rate Mgas and firing conclusionηB by the element of air, flue, and gas and flue flow rate Mburn.
本发明公开了一种液体、气体燃料燃烧过程中燃烧完全度和燃气流量的确定方法,步骤为:在燃料输送管道、空气管道和烟气管道上分别设置三测点,并安装常规的测量装置或取样装置;分别测量测点1的燃料成分和流量;测点2的空气成分;测点3的燃气成分;将三测点的测量数据输入计算单元;根据空气、燃料和燃气的成分以及燃料流量M burn ,计算空气流量M air 、燃气流量M gas 和燃烧完全度η B 。
Result Richards Model and Monodic Quadratic Equation could properly describe grain dry matter growing process and the change process of grain filling rate with days after anthesis. There was big difference in average grain filling rate, maximum grain filling rate under different planting density. Average grain filling rate 1.26 mg/ and maximum grain filling rate 2.44 mg/ of T7 were the quickest, and the average grain filling rate 0.94 mg/ and maximum grain filling rate 1.99 mg/ of T12 were the slowest, and the maximum difference percentage of the average grain filling rate and maximum grain filling rate among different density were 33.98%, 22.61%. There was significant correlation between average grain filling rate, maximum grain filling rate, grain filling active duration, rapid increasing stage and thousand grain weight, and the correlation coefficients were 0.628*, 0.630*, 0.849**, 0.739**. Active grain filling duration contributed mostly to TGW.
The stratified flow, slug flow and asymmetry annular flow upstream become symmetry annular flow with uniform film thickness after the spin generating element. The liquid extraction ratio is only determined by the diameter and number of the sampling holes and independent of gas and liquid flow rate of the main pipe, and the gas extraction ratio is mainly controlled by the liquid flow rate of the main flow loop.
G.E.Hubb root is from 0.20mm to 0.50mm, and 95% roots, diameter is thinner than 0.40mm. The total surface areas of roots is 10139.68cm^2, and the surface areas of roots is about 2 to 3 times to soil surface areas in the surface layer. Enlacing sod concretion to soil profile of Eulaliopsis binata G.E. Hubb root and the gigantic adsorption to soil grains of root surface are the mechanism why Eulaliopsis binata G.E. Hubb can reduce null and water loss significantly. The monitoring result from 2003 to 2004 indicates that, when the gradient is 12 degrees, the runoff rate of planting Eulaliopsis binata Retz. G.E. Hubb completely after changing slope land to ladder (PECC, so as the follows is only 49.90m^3/hm^2?yr. and the soil loss rate is 155.78kg/hm^2?yr, however, the runoff rate of fanning and being not change slope land to ladder is 314.29m^3/hm^2?yr that is 6.30 times to PECC ,and the soil loss rate is 3322.50 that is 21.33 times to PECC; When the gradient is 24 degrees, the runoff rate of planting eulaliopsis binata G.E, Hubb in the ridge and border slope land after changing slope land to ladder is 248.04m^3/hm^3?yr and the soil loss rate is 612.00kg/hm^3?yr. the runoff rate of PECC is only 42.44m^3/hm^2?yr and the soil loss rate is 153.75kg/hm^2?yr, however, the runoff rate of ENC reaches to 785.73m^3/hm62?yr that is 3.17 times to PERBC and 18.52 times to PECC, and the soil lose rate reaches to 37503m^3/hm^2 yr that is 61.33 times to PERBC and 244.12 times to PECC.
蓑草根系平均直径0.20~0.50mm, 95%的根系平均直径小于0.40mm,根系总表面积10139.68cm^2,在土壤表层根系表面积高达土体表面积的2~3倍,根系表面对土壤颗粒的巨大吸附作用是蓑草显著提高土壤抗侵蚀能力的另一个重要原因。2003~2004年的监测结果表明,在12度坡度情况下,坡改梯后净作蓑草年径流量仅49.90立方公尺/hm^2,年土壤流失量为155.78kg/hm^2,而未坡改梯且农作情况下,年径流量314.29立方公尺/hm^2为前者的6.30倍,年土壤流失量3322.50Kg/hm^2为前者的21.33倍;在24度坡度情况下,坡改梯后土埂及边坡种植蓑草、坡面农作年径流量248.04立方公尺/hm^2,年土壤流失量612.00kg/hm^2,坡改梯后净作蓑草径流量42.44立方公尺/hm^2,土坡流失量l53.75kg/hm^2,而未坡改梯且农作情况下年径流量高达785.73立方公尺/hm^2,分别为处理1的3.17倍,处理2的18.52倍,年土壤流失量高达37503kg/hm^2,分别为处理1的61.33倍,处理2的244.12倍。
The stable clones are further identified by RT-PCR and Western blot; 6 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of cells (AGS, SGC7901, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 7 Soft agar assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the clonality of cells (AGS, MKN28); 8 Nude mice assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28); 9 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell cycle distribution of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 10 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell apoptosis of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3); 11 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR) in vitro; 12 SRCA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of gastric cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR) in vivo; 13 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on adriamycin accumulation of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR); 14 Transmission electron microscope is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of SGC7901 cells towards drug-induced apoptosis; 15 Flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay are used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60/VCR) towards drug-induced apoptosis; 16 Microarray is used to investigate the profiling of ZNRD1-responsive genes in gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28, SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR); 17 RT-PCR and Western blot are used to identify the results of microarray; 18 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of cyclin D1; 19 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of MDR1; 20 Kinase assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the activity of cyclin E-CDK2 kinase; 21 The antisensenucleic acids of p21 is used to inhibit the expression of p21, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p21 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 22 The antisensenucleic acids of p27 is used to inhibit the expression of p27, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p27 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 23 Liposome is used to up-regulate the expression of Skp2, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of Skp2 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 24 Western blot is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the stability of Skp2 and p27 in gastric cancer cells; 25 MVD assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the angiopoietic activity of gastric cancer cells; 26 ELISA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the expression of VEGF165 in gastric cancer cells; 27 The roles of DARPP-32 in MDR of gastric cancer cells are investigated using gene transfection, MTT assay, SRCA, flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay.
应用杂交瘤技术制备ZNRD1的首个单克隆抗体;2)利用RT-PCR、Western blot和免疫组化检测ZNRD1在胃癌组织、胃炎组织、正常胃上皮组织、胃癌细胞和正常胃组织上皮细胞中的表达;3)构建ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体,并测序鉴定;4)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的真核表达载体及其空载体转染胃癌细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28)和小鼠成纤维细胞(NIH3T3),G418筛选后进行鉴定;5)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体及其空载体转染药敏胃癌细胞(SGC7901)、正常胃组织上皮细胞(GES-1)、对长春新碱耐药的胃癌细胞(SGC7901/VCR)、药敏白血病细胞(HL-60)、对长春新碱耐药的白血病细胞(HL-60/VCR),G418筛选后进行鉴定;6)利用MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)生长的影响;7)通过软琼脂克隆形成实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞克隆形成能力的影响;8)通过裸鼠成瘤实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞体内成瘤性的影响;9)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)的细胞周期的影响;10)通过流式细胞仪分析上调ZNRD1对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3)的凋亡的影响;11)通过MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)体外药物敏感性的影响;12)通过肾包膜下移植法检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR)体内药物敏感性的影响;13)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)内阿霉素蓄积和泵出的影响;14)通过透射电镜检测上调ZNRD1对SGC7901细胞凋亡敏感性的影响;15)通过流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60)凋亡敏感性的影响;16)通过基因芯片检测ZNRD1高/低表达对胃癌细胞内基因表达谱的影响;17)利用RT-PCR、Western blot对基因芯片的结果进行鉴定;18)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1对cyclin D1的启动子活性的调节作用;19)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对MDR1的启动子活性的调节作用;20)利用激酶试验检测ZNRD1对cyclin E-CDK2 激酶活力的影响;21)利用反义核酸技术抑制p21的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p21对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;22)利用反义核酸技术抑制p27的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p27对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;23)利用脂质体转染法上调Skp2的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测上调Skp2对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;24)利用Western blot检测ZNRD1对p27和Skp2的蛋白稳定性的影响;25)利用微血管密度实验检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞裸鼠移植瘤微血管形成的影响;26)利用ELISA检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞培养上清和移植瘤匀浆中VEGF165含量的影响;27)利用脂质体转染法、MTT实验、肾包膜下移植法、流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测新耐药相关分子DARPP-32对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、对阿霉素耐药的胃癌细胞SGC7901/ADR)多药耐药表型的影响;利用脂质体转染法和MTT实验检测下调ZNRD1对DARPP-32介导的胃癌多药耐药的调控作用。
The simulation results of the cylinder-block model were given in the article, consistent with that of Middlemen"s. It was shown that the block part could improve the uniformity of the flow distribution. The analysis of the flow field of some materials with different power-law factor in the die designed by Mckelvey was close to that of Mckelvey"s. It was shown that the flow distribution was uniform in the die that can producesheets with 1200mm in width. During the analysis the flow channel was divided into several parts to get the details about the fluid flow in each area. A conclusion was drawn after analyzing the influence of the die pressure on the flow distribution, that the higher pressure is good for the output and bad for the uniformity of the distribution. Simulation of the die applying the cylindrical main runner showed the fact that when the cylinder replaced the cone the change of uniformity was trivial. The uniformity of the non-block flow channel was so poor that the block in the proper position of the die channel was necessary. The project of the die for the wider sheet was put forth, and the analysis of the fluid flow in the die was shown.
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- Fizzo Got Flow
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- Ohm
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"Please accept this talisman as a token of our thanks."
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Annual operating companies adipate project objective is to pass the second quarter of output products, gas pipeline projects simultaneously to major petrochemical and gas production facilities to achieve safe production, is expected to achieve the main business income of 680 million yuan.