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After take analyzed deeply for the opened magnet circuit with FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) we find out the field distributing that is separated into three sections . One is the main area what we called as positive field section. Beside the main field there are tow areas that are called the inverted field sections. Loudspeaker arise a very serious distortion when the voice coil moving into inverted field areas. The direction of induced current in the coil part of entered inverted field area is same with the current driving into loudspeaker so that total currents increas largely and heat increase rapidly. With more coils moving into inverted area the voice coil will take on negative inductance properties. It is the main reason that voice coil is burned by heating with increasing current due to arise negative inductance. So opened magnetic circuit is not suitable for the woofers in which the voice coil have wider displacement range. When using this kind magnetic circuit design, the voice coil moving range should be less than the range of positive field to avoid loudspeaker arise serious distortion and heating. Even though voice coil moving range is in the positive area, loudspeaker will still arise more distortion because the field distribution is very cliffy at tow sides of the positive area and full range of magnetic field distribution is not parallel that will arise distortion. Base on above reasons, opened magnetic circuit is not an ideal magnetic circuit for low-frequency loudspeakers. But it can be used in mid-range or high-frequency productions.
开式磁路是由2片钕铁硼磁铁和主导磁板和导磁垫片组成,我们在实践过程中发现这种磁路结构不适合于低频扬声器的使用,我们通过使用FEMM(Finite Element Method Magnetics)软件包对该磁路进行了分析,该磁路的磁场范围被分成3个区域,其中在主导磁板附近形成一个正向磁场,在正向磁场的两边存在反向的磁场,音圈在工作时有很大一部分进入了反向磁场中,在反向磁场内线圈的感应电流方向与驱动电流方向相同,使得音圈呈现出负感抗特性,由于音圈的负感抗特性引起电流的增加导致音圈发热甚至烧毁,因此在扬声器中使用开式磁路时,音圈的运动范围应控制在正向磁场范围之内,否则音圈运动到反向磁场区域时将会产生很大的失真和发热,即使在设计时已经将音圈的运动范围控制在正向磁场范围之内,由于正向磁场的2个边缘磁场强度衰减太快,同时开式磁路中磁场的分布不是平行的,而是自由发散的分布,这样肯定会导致扬声器的非线性失真,因此我们得到的结论是:开式磁路并不是一个理想的磁路,它不适合于低频扬声器的使用,但它还可以应用于中高频扬声器。
The opened magnetic circuit is composed as tow NdFeB permanent magnets and a top plate without U-yoke. After take analyzed deeply for the opened magnet circuit with FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) we find out the field distributing that is separated into three sections . One is the main area what we called as positive field section. Beside the main field there are tow areas that are called the inverted field sections. Loudspeaker arise a very serious distortion when the voice coil moving into inverted field areas. The direction of induced current in the coil part of entered inverted field area is same with the current driving into loudspeaker so that total currents increas largely and heat increase rapidly. With more coils moving into inverted area the voice coil will take on negative inductance properties. It is the main reason that voice coil is burned by heating with increasing current due to arise negative inductance. So opened magnetic circuit is not suitable for the woofers in which the voice coil have wider displacement range. When using this kind magnetic circuit design, the voice coil moving range should be less than the range of positive field to avoid loudspeaker arise serious distortion and heating. Even though voice coil moving range is in the positive area, loudspeaker will still arise more distortion because the field distribution is very cliffy at tow sides of the positive area and full range of magnetic field distribution is not parallel that will arise distortion. Base on above reasons, opened magnetic circuit is not an ideal magnetic circuit for low-frequency loudspeakers. But it can be used in mid-range or high-frequency productions.
开式磁路是由2片钕铁硼磁铁和主导磁板和导磁垫片组成,我们在实践过程中发现这种磁路结构不适合于低频扬声器的使用,我们通过使用FEMM(Finite Element Method Magnetics)软件包对该磁路进行了分析,该磁路的磁场范围被分成3个区域,其中在主导磁板附近形成一个正向磁场,在正向磁场的两边存在反向的磁场,音圈在工作时有很大一部分进入了反向磁场中,在反向磁场内线圈的感应电流方向与驱动电流方向相同,使得音圈呈现出负感抗特性,由于音圈的负感抗特性引起电流的增加导致音圈发热甚至烧毁,因此在扬声器中使用开式磁路时,音圈的运动范围应控制在正向磁场范围之内,否则音圈运动到反向磁场区域时将会产生很大的失真和发热,即使在设计时已经将音圈的运动范围控制在正向磁场范围之内,由于正向磁场的2个边缘磁场强度衰减太快,同时开式磁路中磁场的分布不是平行的,而是自由发散的分布,这样肯定会导致扬声器的非线性失真,因此我们得到的结论是:开式磁路并不是一个理想的磁路,它不适合于低频扬声器的使用,但它还可以应用于中高频扬声器。
COV gathers can also be constructed through selecting traces from different cross spreads of a 3D survey. A simple and practical way of constructing COV gathers can he described as that 1 when a dominant receiver line direction is determined, the inline offset and crossline offset of every trace can be calculated; 2 the inline offset and crossline offset ranges fruit; negative to positive for the whole dataset can be well represented by the range of the receiver spread of a typical source; 3 the full range of inline offsets can be divided into several sob ranges using twice the source line spacing and the full range of crossline offsets can be divided using twice the receiver line spacing; and 4 one sod; sob-range inline offset and one such sob-range crossline offsets form a COV gather.
Sensitive range from 49.1% to 100%, specificity range from 18.2% to 90%,accurate range from 45.5% to 88.3%, PPV range from 34.1% to 95.2,NPV range from 22.2% to 100%,the combine sensitive was 82.7%,specificity was 63.3%;there were not obvious publish bias in the 9 articles, and there was heterology of the 9 articles, the forest figure show RR was 2.34[1.43,3.05],and its 95% confidence interval did not include 1,the chance of malignancy nodules'SUV above 2.5 were more than benign nodules.
文献报道的敏感性49.1-100%,特异性18.2-90.0%,准确性45.5-88.3%,阳性预测值34.1-95.2%,阴性预测值22.2-100%,Meta分析合并后的敏感性82.7%,特异性为63.3%,准确性为71.8%,阳性预测值80.8%,阴性预测值57.0%;漏斗图成近似倒三角形,认为文献无明显发表偏移;对文献异质性检验,P小于0.05,认为文献来源存在异质性;选用随机效应模式得到森林图,RR为2.34[1.43,3.05],其95%的可信区间不包括1,认为肿瘤病人最大SUV 2.5法呈阳性的可能性大于非肿瘤病人,二者之间具有统计学差异;两篇来源于日本的文献显示日本国的18F-FDG PET肺占位显像假阴性率高于我国。
After that, a numerical model about Zhejiang shore tide is established by mike21 program. After validating the good agreement between simulated results and observed ones, the planar hydrodynamic flow of this ocean area is analysed in detail. Then co-tidal and co-range chart of each main tide is drew based on the computational result. It can be found that each co-tidal and co-range chart that is based on the simulated result is suitable to the co-tidal and co-range chart that is deduced from autoptical data, besides, the modle co-tidal and co-range chart can perfect the co-tidal and co-range chart from autoptical data where autoptical data is too hard to get .
In degraded PSM matching classification, errors modification method of degraded PSM is presented and the matching tensor of every canonical scattering centers is given. In Chapter 4, the theory of wideband millimeter-wave radar target identification is introduced. It is indicated that, for HR radar target identification, description of temoral relations among features and pattern recogntion adaptive to variation of target angles are of key importance. A rule-based pattern recogniton method of sequential reasoning is proposed, which uses a series of rules to describe relations of features variation caused by target angles variation and has the advantages of adaption to unrandom variation and false probability control in classification over traditional statistical pattern recognitiop method. Feature extraction is crucial step in target identification. In range profiles identification application, features are extracted by means of range domain pre-processing algorithm, spacial and amplitude visual computation directly from range profiles and transform algorithm based on range profiles. Visual or transformed features are either sufficiently convinced or necessarily convinced and both of them are effective and robust to range profiles identification.
One of the most common ways to describe a wood's tonal properties is in terms of its frequency range,which is often broken down into low-end frequencies,mid-range and high-end frequencies.picture it as a visual spectrum,as we've done in the chart to the right,with the lower frequencies on the left and the higher frequen-cies on the right.the graph line for each wood visually depicts its general tonal range.rosewood and ovang kol,for example,tend to resonate with more low-end frequencies,whereas koa,cocobolo and maple tend to sound brighter from having more top-end frequencies.note also rosewood's"scooped"midrange and ovang-kol's fuller midrange.the doted lines for walnut and koa denote the expansion of low-end frequency range as the guitar opens up after a period of playing it.
最常见的方式描述了木材的声音特性是在其频率范围内,这往往是细分为低端频率,中端和高端frequencies.picture它作为一个视觉频谱,因为我们'维生素E这样做的图表,以权,以较低的频率在左边和更高的频率,种上right.the图线的每一个木材视觉描绘的一般音调range.rosewood和ovang科尔举例来说,往往会产生共鸣更多的低端频率,而兴亚, cocobolo和枫树往往从健全光明有更多的高端frequencies.note也花梨木的"收购"的中端和ovang -科尔的充分midrange.the doted线的核桃和兴亚指扩大低端频率范围内的吉他开辟了一段时间后,打它。
The influences of the shock thickness and Alfven waves on the particle acceleration by diffusive shock waves are numerically studied through solving one-dimensional diffusive equation including the second-order Fermi effect. It is shown that the spectral index of the energetic particles strongly depends on the shock thickness. For example, the spectral index increases from 2.1 to 3.7 in the low energy range of 3-10 MeV and from 2.5 to 5.0 in the high energy range of 20-60 MeV as the thickness increases. The spectral index decreases from 4.3 to 3.1 as the particle injection energy increases. The spectral index decreases from 4.0 to 1.8 at the quasi-steady stage with the enhancement of the compression ratio from 2 to 4. The results indicate that under the influence of Alfven waves, the energetic particle spectrum at lower energy becomes flat and the spectral index decreases from 2.5 to 0.6 in the low energy range of 3-10 MeV and from 11.6 to 5.0 in the high energy range of 20-60 MeV. At the same time, the rollover energy reaches 19.6 MeV. The spectral index decreases from 5.8 to 2.9 as the energy density of Alfven waves increase. All these results are basically consistent with the theoretical models, as well as the observations of typical energetic particle events.
In the chiral SU(3) quark model, we use the coupling between quarks and nonet scalar meson fields and nonet pseudo-scalar meson fields to describe the medium and long range interactions, and use one gluon exchange to describe the short range interaction. In the extended chiral SU(3) quark model, besides the nonet pseudo-scalar meson fields and the nonet scalar meson fields, the coupling between vector meson fields and quarks is also considered, the short range interaction can be dominately described by vector meson exchange. We investigate the nucleon-hyperon interaction in the extended chiral SU(3) quark model and study the S-wave phase shifts of N-Λ and N-Σ systems. Comparing to the results in chiral SU(3) quark model, we find that the short-range interaction could be described either by the one-gluon exchange or vector meson exchange.
In chapter 7, the 2D-distribution of the clutter spectrum in non-sidelooking phased array airborne radar varies with cell range (this can be often called as clutter range dependence), which this kind of nonhomogeneity resulted by range dependence is more serious especially in short range.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Rifle Range
- I Love My Range Rover
- I Be Thinking
- The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range
- Out Of Range
- Ages Of You
- The Range War
- Nuclear Device
- Come Original
- Ain't Cha
- 推荐网络例句
A solid basis of evidence underpinned her theory.
Apoptosis was detected in both of the cell lines in the absence of folacin, but no necrosis was observed in this experiment.
Leonard Downie, editor of The Washington Post, decries the "celebrification of journalism", which drives even the best in the business to hype a story, to exaggerate "just a bit", to sensationalise the ordinary and, on occasion, to go over the top and simply "create" a fact, a quote or a whole story.