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与 questioned 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 3. During the trial process the judge shall abide by recusation principle. A judge shall disqualify himself mi a lawsuit in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

第三条 法官在审判活动中,除了应当自觉遵守法定回避制度外,如果认为自己审理某案件时可能引起公众对该案件公正裁判产生合理怀疑的,应当提出不宜审理该案件的请求。

Article 3. During the trial process the judge shall abide by recusation principle. A judge shall disqualify himself mi a lawsuit in which the judge's impartiality mi ght reasonably be questioned.

第三条 法官在审判活动中,除了应当自觉遵守法定回避制度外,如果认为自己审理某案件时可能引起公众对该案件公正裁判产生合理怀疑的,应当提出不宜审理该案件的请求。

Then, comparing the seriousness of ritual and the carnival of football game, the study examins how the individual has questioned bravely to the institutions by the game spirits, and how the institutions give lessons to the impetuous individual relaxedly but severely.


In December, a bot lawsuit filed by Lary "pokergirl z" Kennedy and Greg Omotoy reached a new twist when the background of plaintiff lawyer Cyrus Sanai was questioned.

去年12月,向法院递交诉讼机器人拉里&pokergirl Z&的肯尼迪和格雷格Omotoy达成了新的转折时,原告律师赛勒斯三爱背景提出了质疑。

Any person being questioned on criminal, police or correctional matters, whether as a mere witness or as perpetrator or participant in a sanctionable act, has the right to know the content of Article No. 25 of the Political Constitution which says:"No one is obliged to declare in a criminal, correctional or police matter, against himself or herself, his or her spouse or relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second of affinity."

任何人被问在罪犯、警察或修正事态,是否作为一个仅仅证人或作为犯人或参加者在一次sanctionable 行动,有权利知道内容文章第认为的25 政治宪法:&No 你被迫使宣称在罪犯,修正或维持问题,反对他自己,他们的配偶或亲戚治安在第四程度同族或其次affinity。&

When I became aware of this right-about-turn, I was indignant and questioned searchingly the officers concerned .


Still some questioned Schindler's motives. Stanislaw Dobrowolski, member of the Polish underground committee during World War 2, had a scathing opinion of Oskar Schindler. He argued that Schindler only saved his Jews because he was convinced that the Nazis would lose the war.


Sudani resigned earlier this month and was questioned by Parliament about allegations his relatives at the Trade Ministry took kickbacks in return for handing out import contracts.


At Cannes some questioned the tastefulness of "Inglourious Basterds," a violent revenge fantasy that, as Mr. Tarantino excitedly put it at his news conference, uses the power of cinema to "bring down the Third Reich."


The land too will speak to one telepathically if questioned, and will communicate in the Language of Light.


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Questioned Apocalypse

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
