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与 questioned 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Professor Tove Fjeld, of the University of Agriculture in Oslo, questioned Norwegian pupils office workers about their working conditions state of mind.

在位于Oslo农业大学任职的Tove Fjeld教授对挪威小学生和办公室职员的工作条件和思想状态 www 。ddd Tt。 com 进行了调查。

"Do you know, my dear Villefort," cried the Comte de Salvieux, that is exactly what I myself said the other day at the Tuileries, when questioned by his majesty's principal chamberlain touching the singularity of an alliance between the son of a Girondin and the daughter of an officer of the Duc de Condé; and I assure you he seemed fully to comprehend that this mode of reconciling political differences was based upon sound and excellent principles.

& &好啊,我亲爱的维尔福,&萨尔维欧伯爵大声说道&您的话简直就象那次我在伊勒里宫讲的一样,那次御前大臣问我,他说一个吉伦特党徒的儿子同一个保皇党的女儿的联姻是否有点奇特,他很理解这种政治上化敌为友的主张,而且这正是国王的主张。

Hotch: They've been questioned before, so we can expect a rehearsed response.


Lari Sidi and Ramcharan said the "execution", was interpreted as a systematic process,·bo · It includes the methods and goals of the discussions closely, questioned persistently follow up and implement specific responsibilities.


Several basic tenrts of otolith research have been questioned recently with regard to eel metamorphosis.specifically,some researchers have suggested that otolith increment formation is not daily,and otolith material may be resorped during metamorphosis.we conducted a rearing experiment to test the hypothesis that increment formation is daily and that the otolith continues to grow during eel metamorphosis.we marked the otolith of wild-caught leptocephali and reared these fish through metamorphosis.metamorphosis was characterized by a decreasing standard length,pre-anal length,and body depth accompanied by an increase in pigmentation and a change in behavior.


A Lowy poll this week found that 72% of those questioned thought Australia should take action to reduce carbon emissions before a global deal is reached.


A Lowy poll this week found that 72% of those questioned thought Australia should take action to reduce carbon emissions before a global deal is reached.


But he replaced the controversial health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who questioned the link between HIV and AIDS, with Barbara Hogan, who strenuously opposed such views when they were also espoused by the recently ousted president, Thabo Mbeki.

霍根取代了存有争议的卫生部长曼托。查巴拉拉。姆西曼( Manto Tshabalala-Msimang )。曼托曾质疑艾滋病毒和艾滋病之间的联系,芭芭拉。霍根极力反对这种观点。这一观点还受最近刚被免职的前总统塔博姆贝基赞同。见文章

But he replaced the controversial health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who questioned the link between HIV and AIDS, with Barbara Hogan, who strenuously opposed such views when they were also espoused by the recently ousted president, Thabo Mbeki.

不过,莫特兰特任命芭芭拉·霍根取代了存有争议的卫生部长曼托·查巴拉拉·姆西曼(Manto Tshabalala-Msimang)。曼托曾质疑艾滋病毒和艾滋病之间的联系,芭芭拉·霍根极力反对这种观点。这一观点还受最近刚被免职的前总统塔博姆贝基赞同。

But he replaced the controversial health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who questioned the link between HIV and AIDS, with Barbara Hogan, who strenuously opposed such views when they were also espoused by the recently ousted president, Thabo Mbeki.

不过,莫特兰特任命芭芭拉·霍根取代了存有争议的卫生部长曼托·查巴拉拉·姆西曼( Manto Tshabalala-Msimang )。曼托曾质疑艾滋病毒和艾滋病之间的联系,芭芭拉·霍根极力反对这种观点。这一观点还受最近刚被免职的前总统塔博姆贝基赞同。见文章

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Questioned Apocalypse

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
