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Between shrub and herb layers ,the difference of each index was not significant The total richness index and Shannon-Wiener index of Phellodendron amurense plantation community were all the highest than those of the other communities.(2) The total richness index of Machilus pingii- Quercus oxyodon evergreen broad-leaved forest community, Alnus cremastogyne-Betula luminifera-Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community and Rhus potaninii- Juglans sigillata- Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community all exceeded 31 .These communities , the dominance species in their shrub layers is Fargesia rufa ,such as Betula luminifera-Rhus chinensis-Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community, Quercus oxyodon-Litsea pungens-Cornus macrophylla evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community, Cornus macrophylla- Acer caudatum var.


The results showed that Cupressus funebris , Cunninghamia lanceolala + Quercus acuissima belonged to the declining populations, whereas, Cupressus funebris + Quercus fabric , Pinus massoniana + Cupressus funebris and Quercus acuissima + Quercus fabric were growing populations, and Symplocos szechumensis + Lindera setchuenensis , Pinus massoniana + Symplocos szechumensis and Pinus massoniana kept stationary.


Quercus liaotungensis, Carpinus cordata, Quercus aliena, Acer truncatum, Quercus variabilis and so on are the dominant tree species appeared in varied forests.


Therange of fragment size of amplified products is higher than in Quercus,butthe alleles number is coincidence with in Quercus.


Quercus ilex,which is mainly distributed in the Mediterranean basin has similar epidermal features to Quercus Sect.


A small minority of casks continue to come from sherry bodegas too: these are made of European oak (Quercus robur or Quercus sessiliflora).


The morphological and anatomical features of Quercus Section Suber,the dominant species of the sclerophyllous evergreen broad leaved-forest,from different habitats were compared The results show that Quercus Section Suber possesses dual morphological characteristics of non-succulent xerophyte and al-pine plants.


Vegetation zones and 10 vegetation types were classified using TWINSPAN and DCA: Bischofia javanica‐Machilus japonica var. kusanoi type on Ficus‐Machilus zone; Engelhardia roxburghiana‐Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii type on Machilus‐Castanopsis zone; Rhododendron formosanum type and Pasania kawakamii‐Machilus thunbergii type on Quercus lower zone; Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana—Rhododendron formosanum type, Fagus hayatae type, Symplocos arisanensis‐Illicium anisatum type on Quercus upper zone; Tsuga chinensis var. formosana and Pinus taiwanensis type on Tsuga‐Picea zone; Abies kawakamii type on Abies zone.


The main results are as follows:There is a significant difference among all provenances of Quercus mongolica, which indicates that it is important to carry out provenance selection for Quercus mongolica.


The results showed that Liquidamba formosana, Quercus acutissima, and Quercus fabri populations had the dominant positions in the forest community of Purple Mountain Area of Nanjing. During the growth process, the mortality of L. formosana, Q. acutissima, and Q. fabri were higher in low age. After entering into the middle-age stage, the upper space was occupied by oak and L. formosana population all died. The mortality of Q. acutissima and Q. fabri populations were increased with the increasing of diameter class. L. formosana population in the Purple Mountain Area of Nanjing belonged to be the typical growing population and Q. acutissima population was a decreasing population. Q. fabri population belonged to be the growing population on the whole, but the diameter class in middle parts was incomplete and the population was difficult to be renewed. Among the studied quadrate, only one dominant population showed an aggregated distribution and other dominant species showed the random distribution. Either, all the dominant species in all the quadrates presented random distribution.


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