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与 quarter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Industrywide, global sales were down 13% year-over-year but up 12% from the first quarter, GM said.


S third-quarter profit skidded 73 percent as high gas prices, tighter credit and a soft economy push motor homes sales lower industrywide.

温工业公司第三季度利润下跌了73 %为高瓦斯价格,严格的信贷和软经济,推动汽车销售的家园较低的行业。

Their two other games in Italy in UEFA competition saw them awarded a 3-0 win against AC Fiorentina in the 1977/78 UEFA Cup second round after the ineligibility of a Fiorentina player. In the 1997/78 UEFA Cup quarter-finals, Inter gained a measure of revenge for their defeat the previous year by winning 1-0 at home and drawing 1-1 away.


Seem to begin quarter cases from fancy, what live in about intelligence is ideal, had begun to make us infatuate already, let us feel bemused again.


The group's liquid funds, inflated by the record profits of the past two years, climbed to eighteen point two five billion Swedish kronor by the end of the first quarter from fourteen point four billion Swedish kronor a year earlier.


Initial products based on this microarchitecture are expected to be in production in the fourth quarter of this year.


My pupil was a lively child , who had been spoilt and indulged , and therefore was sometimes wayward ; but as she was committed entirely to my care , and no injudicious interference from any quarter ever thwarted my plans for her improvement , she soon forgot her little freaks , and became obedient and teachable


In the year of the 3rd quarter 2004, and big sum anti-dumping inquisitional cases all coming from the United States, involving already $ 980,000,000, share our country to be involved 92% of the amount of all money.


The instalment is payable at the end of each quarter.


In the 2007-08 season, use of instant replay was restricted to reviewing made baskets and fouls called with no time remaining on the clock at the end of each quarter, reviewing any Flagrant Foul/Penalty 2 and to review altercations involving two or more players.


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I've Got A Quarter In My Pocket
Put A Quarter In The Jukebox
Half Ounce Quarter Pound
Pearl Of The Quarter
4th Quarter
About A Quarter To Nine
After One Quarter Of A Revolution
Quarter Past
No Quarter

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
