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As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.
The quarrelsome hook-nosed husband of Judy in the comic puppet show Punch and Judy.
Instead of poverty of spirit we find the rankest kind of pride; instead of mourners we find pleasure seekers; instead of meekness, arrogance; instead of hunger after righteousness we hear men saying, 'I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing'; instead of mercy we find cruelty; instead of purity of heart, corrupt imaginings; instead of peacemakers we find men quarrelsome and resentful; instead of rejoicing in mistreatment we find them fighting back with every weapon at their command.
Ulbricht spoke of the Chinese "trying to transfer their own quarrelsome politics" to Asia and Africa, concluding that "the time has come that the communist and workers' parties meet both at the multilateral and bilateral levels to come to an agreement on how to conduct the fight against anti-communism."
But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with Southern Rhodesia's black leaders—admittedly, a quarrelsome lot—he locked them up. In 1965, in a feebly disguised attempt at matching America's precedent of 1776, he declared Rhodesia independent.
But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with Southern Rhodesia's black leaders—admittedly, a quarrelsome lot—he locked them up.
But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with Southern Rhodesia's black leaders—admittedly, a quarrelsome lot—he locked them up. In 1965, in a feebly disguised attempt at matching America's precedent of 1776, he declared Rhodesia independent.
He subsequently served as minister of war in October 1915 before retiring, again citing ill-health in March 1916; his relationship with Joffre had proved a quarrelsome one.
他随后担当了战争的部长在1915 年10月在退休之前,再援引ill-health 在1916 年3月;他的与Joffre 的关系证明了一好争吵一个。
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By using competitive adsorption of activated carbom to remove unfavorable influence of carbon in carbonaceous gold concentrate on leaching process, the leaching rate of gold concentrate can be improved to 88% as compared with 10%by direct cyanidation.
The only thing you're ever gonna be king of is King of the Stupids!
The first thing you're asked to do is to turn off the light.