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与 quantity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experimental result showed that under the wavelength of 460 nm,there was good linear relation between absorbency and content of SO42-;and stationary time that absorbency value needed became longer along with the increase of sample quantity of phosphoric acid.When absorbency become stationary,there is good linear relation between the phosphoric acid sample quantity and the content ofSO42-.So the content of SO42- can be adjusted by turning the sample quantity to make it in scope of standard curve.

实验结果表明,在波长为460 nm处,硫酸根含量与吸光度成良好的线性关系;随着磷酸取样量的增加,吸光度达到稳定值所需的时间相应增加,稳定后磷酸取样量与硫酸根含量成良好线性关系,因此实验过程中可通过调整磷酸的取样量来调节硫酸根含量,使之在标准曲线的测定范围内。

Light strongback each kilogram body weight consumes the 30~35kcal quantity of heat every day; Medium strongback each kilogram body weight consumes the 35~40kcal quantity of heat every day; Heavy strongback each kilogram body weight needs above every day 40kcal the quantity of heat.


The characteristics of postures, crown form, branch appearance and the leaf shape of Syringa oblata were analyzed by practical measurement of individual plant Mathematic method and model were adopted to analyze the sample data and deeply explore the vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata in Harbin. A quantitative method was put forward for vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata distributed in Harbin and the information management system of vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata for Harbin has been established.


If physical quantity is vector quantity it must obey the addition rule of vector quantity, that is to say, when two vector quantities is added, its result is not influenced by adding order.


While aptitudinal extension or internal quantity is so bound up with the essences of bodies that its separability from them involves a metaphysical contradiction, external quantity is, on the other hand, only a natural consequence and effect, which can be so suspended and withheld by the First Cause, that the corporeal substance, retaining its internal quantity, does not extend itself into space.


The second chapter is on the category of pragmatic quantity which are expressed by modality, Three "shi" structures expressing pragmatic quantity are discussed: the adverbs of degree "henshi\',"zuishi" structures expressing subjectivity; the rhetoric question structure of "bushi" expressing different kinds and scales of pragmatic quantity; and the compound sentence structure of "bushi不是 A, jiushi B expressing emphasizing.


This paper made a research in comparing the influence of the resin classes and their consumpted quantity,the filler classes and their consumpted quantity and the solidification agent classes and their consumpted quantity on the sanded fuction of polishing putty ,and found an ideal technics condition.


Studies on the Dactylopius confususreproduction characteristic and survives in the winterIn the room raises under the condition,through to the Dactylopius confususreproduction quantity investigation,finally indicated:Dactylopius confusus\'s quantity is big,the average each insect\'s reproduction quantity all above 350,high reaches 421 heads.


After avilamycin 8mg/kg was fed to Cyprinus carpio, the quantity of the intestinal aerobic and the facultative anaerobic bacteria, the percent of Enterobacteriaceae, and the quantity of Lactobacillus decreased significantly on the 14~ d, at the same time , the percent of Flavobacterium increased evidently, the quantity and percent of Bacteriodes decreased evidently during the first 28 d of the experiment.3 After Cyprinus carpio was fed with narasin, the percent of Corynebacterium increased.


The article improved and expanded the threshold access control model based on quantified permissions, solved the problems of access control system deduced by introducing permission quantity into permission concept, such as huge quantity of permissions and vales, heavy administration load, and inadequation to deal with the dynamic quantity evolution.


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Quality Or Quantity
Quantity Is Their Quality

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