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与 quantity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the change of the enemy\'s quantity and the qualitative theory of the differential equation, we research the spruce aphides and its predator system. At the same time, we discussion the spruce aphid multiplication model when the natural enemy quantity is a certain value and the periodic oscillating model whose the quantity of the natural enemy changes along with the time. Obtains the stability condition of the balance point and the limit-cycle existing condition, the system presents the dissipative structure\'s character. Finally it explains that this theoretical analysis has certain practical significance regarding the preventing and controlling harmful insect.


The change of excavated cavity quantity influence the quantity of Ashy Starling significantly, the change of all cavity influence the quantity of Great Tit and Ashy Starling significantly.


0Mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine was the optimal concentration of shoots quantity inducing which frequency of inducing shoots and number of shoots per explant were 100% and 11.1 respectively. 0.5mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine was the optimal concentration of shoots length inducing which average length of shoots was 12.0mm. Explant size had significantly effects on direct shoots quantity and length induction. When complete cotyledon used as explant, frequency of inducing shoots, number of shoots per explant and average length of shoots could approach to 100%, 6.7 and 17.1mm respectively. 2.0mg/L silver nitrate could significantly increase shoot quantity induction, both frequency of inducing shoots and number of shoots per explant could be as high as 97.2% and 4.2 respectively. But silver nitrate also could restrain shoots elongation.


Methodssmear 0.25% croton oil\acetone ag on the back of kunming mice,and observe the growth condition of papilloma,then record the quantity of tumor-bearing mice and the quantity of tumor in each mice.results20-ginsenoside rh2 prolonged the incubation of tumor, reduced the quantity of tumor-bearing mice and decreased the amount of tumor in each mice.conclusion20ginsenoside rh2 has obvious anti-papilloma effect on the mice skin.

结果20-人参皂苷rh2对小鼠皮肤乳头状瘤有明显的抑制作用,可使肿瘤发生潜伏期延长,使化学致癌物诱发的荷瘤动物数明显减少,每鼠荷瘤数显著下降。结论20r 人参皂苷rh2在预防癌症的发生和发展方面有重要的作用,也是很有前景的新型抗癌药。

Customs number, export date, export port, code of the business entity, record number, trade mode, destination country, approval document number (number of the verification form of collection of foreign exchange), transaction method, freight, insurance premium, incidental expenses, commodity code, commodity name, primary quantity, primary measurement unit, secondary quantity, secondary measurement unit, transacted quantity, as well as measurement unit, total price, and currency.


One, the physical quantity that the fundamental point that the physical quantity that describes mechanical vibration and mechanical wave is proposition of the university entrance exam describes physical quantity of simple harmonic motion to the; such as amplitude, periodic, frequency, speed, acceleration, phasic, phasic difference describes mechanical wave has amplitude, wavelengh, velocity of wave, periodic, frequency to wait.


It is with printing and section contrast, 124 smear have nuclear cell to decrease in, 58.9% decrease with the 66.1% positive that it is a holiday, common by accident for; of bring down of aplastic anemia, hematopoiesis printing and section cell quantity increase examine disease in, smear still has 26% decrease with the 36% negative that it is a holiday, common disease or conclusion are grow in quantity of red blood cell of lienal function hyperfunction, true sex disease, special the; such as disease of grow in quantity of the plaque that send a gender printing and section cell bring down person in, smear is accorded with rate (91.2% with 97.9%), and in the person that smear cell increases, printing and section are accorded with rate (95% with 100%) all tall.


To calculate the quantity of overall airiness most importantly depends on the exhaust quantity of harmful air. In the research, we get the quantity of the overall airiness by achieving the datas of consumption of organic impregnant per year and one year' s work time in the company, and it is efficient to measure the harmful air exhausts.


The quantity of AQP4 mRNA was measured by methods of RT-PCR.We observed it in model group was statisticsly higher than that of control group.The quantity of AQP4 mRNA in intervenor groups was remarkably lower than that in model group.Yet, the quantity of AQP4 mRNA in intervenor groups obviously increased compared with control group.

4与对照组相比较,模型组各时间点的AQP4 mRNA的含量均显著升高,以造模后第24h最明显;AQP4干预组和HO-1干预组在各时间点的AQP4 mRNA的含量均显著高于对照组,但明显低于模型组AQP4 mRNA的含量。

If large, bulk goods are not belong to the administration of "one lot one license", the quantity is cut according to actual quantity of export when every lot of good is exported. When the last lot of goods is exported, the overfilled quantity is calculated in accordance with actual left quantity 5 per cent of stipulated upper limit of overfilling.

不实行&一批一证&制的大宗、散装货物,每批货物出口时,按其实8ttt8.com 际出口数量进行核扣,最后一批出口货物出口时,其溢装数量按该许可证实际8ttt8剩余数量并在规定的溢装上限5%内计算。

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Quality Or Quantity
Quantity Is Their Quality

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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