英语人>网络例句>quantity 相关的网络例句

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与 quantity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Computation Fluid Dynamics solute a group of differential coefficient equation on mass,energy,momentum,user-defined scalar quantity by numerical value method ,and the solution can predict the detail of the flowing process.It have been the tool to optimize the process set or magnify the fix quantity design .


It can diagnose quantity limitation of building construction in construction period, and commentate the reasons ,measures of prevent and disposal of the quantity limitation .


Even the above-mentioned separability of quantity from substance gives us no clue to the solution, since according to the best founded opinions not only the substance of Christ's Body, but by His own wise arrangement, its corporeal quantity, ie its full size, with its complete organization of integral members and limbs, is present within the diminutive limits of the Host and in each portion thereof.


The effect of process parameters such as complex temperature,quantity of urea,stirring rotation rate,reaction time,washing times and the quantity of washing agent on product quality and yield is studied, the suitable production conditions are gained.


This kind of control mode electronic circuit complex, relay use quantity many, creates the electricity control section reliability badly, the failure rate high, the routine maintenance quantity is big.


This paper also discussed the pragmatic causes and semantic conditions of duo, and concluded that the speaker uses duo to compensate the meaning to avoid distortion when simplifying a complex quantity expression. The position of duo in a quantity-representing phrase is determined by the position in which it can be semantically specified.


Under a lower pressure, the relationship between C/H and CO adsorption quantity was a beeline and the CO adsorption quantity increases with the of C/H ratio. The relationship between C/H and CO adsorption is a concave curve with the pressure increasing, and the higher the pressure, the higher the discrete degree.


The compensating consumer's surplus equals the amout of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, after an increase in the price of X has caused him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price, would have to receive in order to be lifted back to the same indifference level that he had attained when he purchased a larger quantity of X at the lower price

等值剩余 Equivalent Surplus :在没有发生变化的情况下,如果某人被限制以旧的价格来购买如果没有补偿金他可能购买的物品的量,为使他能够达到变化发生后他可能达到的福祉水平而应该给予他的补偿金数额。

The equibalent consumer's surplus equals the amout of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, after purchasing a certain quantity of X at a given price, would have to pay in order to be pushed down to the same indifference level that he would attain if an increase in the price of X cause him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price

价格变化的 Laspeyre 成本差:为使消费者刚好能够购买变化前他所能购买的物品量而从他那里取走的补偿金的数额。

Through the study on the soil microorganism, soil enzyme activity in spruce forest, chrysanthemum alp and couch grass in the subalpine forests in western Sichuan, the result shows that the relativity of the soil microbial quantity is very prominent in the soil. The relation with the quantity of the soil microorganism is microphyte 〉 actinomycete 〉 fungi.


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Quality Or Quantity
Quantity Is Their Quality

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
