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与 qt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And you can laugh a spineless laugh, VY$hg

你可以笑,一声虐夫的笑声 J4h7 qt

Dr. Ackerman and colleagues determined the agreement between the original diagnosis and the diagnosis made at an LQTS subspecialty clinic by reiewing the data for 176 patients referred to their clinic.

Dr。 Ackerman 和他的同事在初诊和回顾分析诊断为亚临床长QT间期综合症的176名患者中,结合他们的临床只有27%确诊为,32%可能为此症,而41%则不是的。

Methods The data of 24 patients with LQTS and Torsade de pointed were summarized, the clinical manifestations and ECG characteristics were analyzed. Results Of 24 patients, 22 were females, 2 were males, the youngest was 9 years old.


Background Slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium currentI_(Ks is important in therepolarization of human cardiomyocyte action potential,especially in forming andmaintaining plateau of action potential. I_ channel is combined byαandβsubunits,which are coded by KCNQ1 and KCNE1 respectively. Mutations ofhKCNQ1/hKCNE1 genes,chronic myocardial hypertrophy and chronic heartfailure will lead to dysfunction of I_ and ingenital or acquired LQTS which areimportant factor in hazardous ventricular arrhythmia such as Torsade depoints.


Methods:To measure abnormal T vector deviation and morphology as well as QT dispersion in 87 patients compared with control group of 50 patients.


Using an LQT2 model in arterially perfnsed rabbit left ventricular wedge preparations,we find that in intact ventricular walI,EAD can be generated and a trigger to initiate the onset of Tdp can be produced.


Arterially perfused rabbit left ventricular preparations were used in the present study to simulate LQT2 by perfusing with d-sotalol. Transmembrane action potentials from epicardium and endocardium were recorded simultaneously, together with a trasmural ECG, in arterially perfused rabbit left ventricular preparations by use of 2 separate intracellular floating mocroelectrodes.


The popular major versions of Qt are 2 and 3, and both are written in C++ with the addition of a precompiler pass involving a special program from Trolltech, the "Meta Object Compiler", or "MOC".

流行的主要版本是Qt3和Qt4,都是用C++加上用特定的程序预先编译处理,来自Trolltech的&Meta Object Compiler&或&MOC&。

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Larger QTd reflects the ununiformity and electric instability of ventricular repolarization.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
