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与 q 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this thesis, we first discuss the origin of the non-Galilean invarianceterm in the usual effective one gluon exchange q-q interaction and.


Conventional methods for controlling the instability of amplitude compensation on high-frequency components include gain-limited high-cut frequency method and stable factor method.


First super-low specific-speed centrifugal pump has a long and narrow flow passage for its high head and low capacity, and the power absorbed by disc friction is too high, so the efficiency is very low; Secondly the diffusion of flow passage is so high, that the reserved flow often emerges at the inlet and outlet of impeller. Therefore the H ~ Q characteristic curve is often hump-shaped, and at the low-capacity operating condition the instability often occurs; Thirdly the centrifugal pump at high-capacity operating condition is easy to overload because the N ~ Q curve appears a rising trend.


It was found that the 2FKn=52, the karyotypic formula is 9+5+12 in this two species. But FKP. mouhtiihas AN=78, its NORs located on the No.4 q of group A, while AN=76, NORs located on No.7 q of group A in FKC.


Every community was stable relatively. Interspecific association was the loosest and stability was the highest in Q. wutaiensis community. But the insignificant positive association among species showed that Q. wutaiensis community has not reached the stable state, so we still should protect the local natural vegetation reasonably for a long time.


Based on the structure, those human diseases related mutation sites are mapped onto the structure accurately. As a result, it is found that these sites are all around the electron transfer prosthetic groups or ubiquinone. And these mutations will alter prosthetic groups' binding or ubiquinone's binding, causing electron leakage from the prosthetic groups in the electron transfer chain, producing reactive oxygen species and leading to tumor formation.

利用线粒体复合物 II 的结构对已知与人类疾病相关的该复合物突变位点进行了精确定位,发现这些突变位点均位于电子传递体或辅酶 Q 结合位点的周围,它们的突变或影响了电子传递体的结合,或影响了辅酶 Q 的结合,从而导致电子传递的中断,电子逃逸到线粒体基质中或线粒体内膜中,经过一系列下游途径导致疾病的产生。

Drugs of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors family are usually used as a very effective lipid-lowering preparations but they simultaneously block biosynthesis of both cholesterol and ubiquinone Q10, which is an intermediate electron carrier in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It is known that reduced form of ubiquinone Q10 acts in the human LDL as very effective natural antioxidant.


The five prosthetic groups (FAD, [2Fe-2S], [4Fe-4S], [3Fe-4S] and heme group) required for electron transfer from succinate to ubiquinone were unambiguously assigned into the electron density map. Besides, we find there are some electron densities around the Qp pocket at the matrix side and we believe it represents the head structure of ubiquinone, which is proved by the inhibitor bound structure that 2-TTFA just locating at the Qp site. At the same time, we find there is the second 2-TTFA binding site, locating the inter-membrane side. This finding will change our knowledge about the electron transfer inside Complex II and the ubiquinone transfer between Complex II and Complex III, and endow a new role of Complex II in electron transfer chain.

除了对各个电子传递体( FAD ,[2Fe-2S],[4Fe-4S],[3Fe-4S]以及血红素分子)进行精确定位外,我们在该结构跨膜区靠近线粒体基质一端的口袋 Qp 中,发现了一些电子密度,认为是所结合的辅酶 Q 的头部结构,这一点被与抑制剂结合的复合体的结构所证明,在该结构中, 2- TTFA 恰好结合在口袋 Qp 中,同时,我们还发现了第二个2- TTFA 的结合位点,位于跨膜区靠近线粒体膜间隙一端的口袋 Qd 中,这个发现具有全新的意义,将影响人们对电子在复合物 II 中传递以及辅酶 Q 在复合物 II 与 III 之间转移的认识,促使人们重新复合物 II 在线粒体呼吸链中的角色。

The last section of chapter 3 discusses the local sensitivityof the Bayes VaR when the contaminated probability ε close to zero. Consider adifferent contaminated class 〓,where Q consists ofsuch functions q that π can be regulized to be a proper probability distribution.


Premisses of the form 'If p then q' and 'q' do not imply 'p'.


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Q & A
My I.Q.
Payback (P's And Q's)
Siq With A Q
Bar-B-Q Pope
Happened On A Saturday Night (Susie Q)
Suzie Q
Illusions (Q-Tip Remix)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
