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put up相关的网络例句

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与 put up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has another windmill still in its box that he'll put up at a house 70 miles away in the capital, Lilongwe, where he now goes to school.


Dominating the skyline of this lowlying town is the dome over the site of the Annunciation, a gem of architecture which the Franciscans, through the generous help of the christians from all over the world has put up to mark this holy place.


I am looking for new web based software ideas of new stuff I can put up on the web to sell memberships to.


Firstly, mindmaps could be put up inside the class - on noticeboards, classroom walls ( if school policy allows this!).


You go to the Distributed Proofreaders Europe website that has just been put up by Project Rastko to handle the shared proofreading done by Project Gutenberg Europe.

你可以到欧洲的网上校对网站,它已经被贝尔格莱德的Project Rastko建立起来了,用来处理欧洲古登堡计划的合作校对。

I could put up with his specific criticisms if it were not for his holier-than-thou attitude.


Shit to put up with, long hours and so on that they need to be in orderand strict to pr ovide best customer services and thus gain recognitions .


It was a big deal for investors that we didn't suspend redemptions or put up gates.


The Whigs put up log cabins everywhere and offered free hard cider to everyone.


The Liberals have put up a candidate in the Prime Minister's constituency,but it must be a forlorn hope.


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Put Your Dukes Up, John
Put You Up On Game
Put Your Hearts Up
Put Your Hands Up
Put That Shit Up
Put Your Handz Up
Put A Bird Up
Put Yo Hands Up
Put Up Or Shut Up
Put Up Or Shut Up

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
