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put up相关的网络例句

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与 put up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In many countries, families put up Christmas trees in the living room.


In1991, artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude put up an environmental installation art of thousands of giant yellow and blue umbrellas in California and Japan.

被巨伞压死:1991 年,艺术家Christo和JeanneClaude在美国加州和日本支起了成千的黄色和蓝色的巨伞,表现环保艺术。

So Clapton got to be friends with the proprietors and asked them to save him a regular table, put up a brass plaque or something.


So, I decided to put up a clothesline in my backyard for the first time ever.


At that time, the"design the blue print of software empoldering compete" held by the Microsoft club in Nanjing University had appraised out the result just now, futhermore,our club had outstanding exhibitions and the result of Imagine Cup was very encouraging.So,we put up the notice introducing the trends of club,the result of the compete and the guests carefully ,and the clubber Bai Yuan and Song Mofei were trying to hang the banner on the backwall of classroom.

时值我们南京大学微软俱乐部的"软件开发方案设计比赛刚刚评审出最终的结果",而且,俱乐部在最近社联组织的活动中也有一些突出表现,而且 Imagine Cup 也有了令人高兴的结果,我们便尽心尽力的把俱乐部的动态公告、比赛结果、以及欢迎师兄的大字整齐有序的公告出来,白媛、宋沫飞也忙着将俱乐部的横幅设法的挂在了教室后面(因为后面本没有可以挂横幅的地方)。

And the the blue print designing of software empoldering competiton having completed, which was held by the Microsoft club in Nanjing University, had appraised out the result at the very moment.Futhermore,our club had outstanding exhibitions and the result of Imagine Cup was very encouraging.So,we put up the bulletins introducing the trends of club,the result of the compete and the guests carefully ,and the clubber Bai Yuan and Song Mofei were trying to hang the banner on the backwall of classroom.

时值我们南京大学微软俱乐部的"软件开发方案设计比赛刚刚评审出最终的结果",而且,俱乐部在最近社联组织的活动中也有一些突出表现,而且Imagine Cup也有了令人高兴的结果,我们便尽心尽力的把俱乐部的动态公告、比赛结果、以及欢迎师兄的大字整齐有序的公告出来,白媛、宋沫飞也忙着将俱乐部的横幅设法的挂在了教室后面(因为后面本没有可以挂横幅的地方)。

Ron Artest, who marked the occasion by adding red highlights to the Rockets logo he'd had etched into his coiffure, put up an airball (his first of two on the afternoon) and you knew right then.


If we can put up some collateral.


Put up a sign saying 'collective farm'.


Put up a sign saying 'collective farm'. The n half the mice will starve and the others will run away.


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Put Your Dukes Up, John
Put You Up On Game
Put Your Hearts Up
Put Your Hands Up
Put That Shit Up
Put Your Handz Up
Put A Bird Up
Put Yo Hands Up
Put Up Or Shut Up
Put Up Or Shut Up

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
