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与 purse-cutting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And he went to the bedstead, took a purse from under the clean pillows, and ordered some wine.


Packed with ice, they try to catch a few tonnes of the more valuable sort of tuna, known as bigeye and yellowfin, while the bigger purse seiners like the Playa de Bakio, most of which are European, sweep up hundreds of tonnes of less valuable skipjack tuna outside Somalia's waters.

用冰块加以冷藏,渔民设法捕捉数吨售价更为昂贵的金枪鱼,称其为大眼海鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼,而大型围网渔船如Playa de Bakio——大多来自欧洲——则在索马里海域外来回捕捉数百吨售价不是很贵的鲣鱼。

The black shoes stylize the figure since they have high heels and for a purse, a small or medium-small size in black will be perfect.


The blighter stole my purse !


Researchers aren't sure why bluetongue is moving north.


We are domestic large ostrich farming base,The existing farming ostrich is 3900 and sell:A:kind ostrich;Big ostrich;Small ostrich;Merchandise bird;Two:Ostrich kind egg;The ostrich fresh egg;Ostrich eggshell;Three:ostrich egg handicraft product;Have:person, animal, flowers and birds fish insect, landscape view, the eggshell handicraft product of the expert calligraphy and paintingFour:ostrich egg desk lamp:color, the Lou be empty, carvings, every variety ostrich egg handicraft product, art object, collect an article, desk lamp;Five:ostrich meat;Ostrich Zhen;Ostrich heart;Ostrich Jin;Ostrich Zhang;Ostrich neck, row, wings, liver;Fresh meat;Familiar meat;Six:ostrich skin;Black ostrich skin, each color ostrich skin, ostrich peltry, salt system skin, finished product ostrich skin, color ostrich leather, leather,Seven:ostrich shoes;Ostrich skin Xue, wool Xue, snow ground Xue, the ostrich wallet, wallet, leather belt, belt, money clip, purse, briefcase, the lady be colourful pack, female pack, male pack, female shoe, male shoe, shoes, leather shoe, leather Xue, female Xue, export skin XueEight:ostrich hair, color ostrich hair, the ostrich hair Dan son, the feather brush, sweep to use a hair brush, the car hair brush, ostrich hair handicraft product, hair, the hair take, the , feather, hair of the color feather, ostrich feather, ostrich hair decorations, ostrich hair dress, song and dance clothing, satge clothing, dance clothing, drama clothing, drama dress, dancing party ostrich hairNine:ostrich oil:beauty oil, cosmetics hairdressing oil, health oil, the bone mentally taxing and strange oil, absolute being oilIf your demand order.


The existing farming ostrich is 3900,Often the year sell:A:kind ostrich;Big ostrich;Small ostrich;Merchandise bird;Two:Ostrich kind egg;The ostrich fresh egg;Ostrich eggshell;Three:person, animal, flowers and birds fish insect, landscape view, the expert calligraphy and painting, calligraphy, ostrich egg handicraft productFour:color, the Lou be empty, carvings, every variety ostrich egg handicraft product, the portrait photograph art object process to make to order, desk lamp;Small night light, mural lampFive:ostrich meat;Ostrich Zhen;Ostrich heart;Ostrich Jin;Ostrich Zhang;Ostrich neck, row, wings, liver;Fresh meat;Familiar meat;Six:ostrich skin;Black ostrich skin, the color ostrich skin, ostrich peltry, salt system skin, finished product ostrich skin, color ostrich leather, leather,Seven:ostrich shoes;Ostrich skin Xue, wool Xue, snow ground Xue, the ostrich wallet, wallet, leather belt, belt, money clip, purse, briefcase, the lady be colourful pack, female pack, male pack, female shoe, male shoe, shoes, leather shoe, leather Xue, female Xue, export skin XueEight:ostrich hair, color ostrich hair, the ostrich hair Dan son, the feather brush, sweep to use a hair brush, the car hair brush, ostrich hair handicraft product, hair, the hair take, the color feather, feather, ostrich feather, ostrich hair decorations, ostrich hair dress, song and dance clothing hair, satge clothing feather, dance clothing hair, the drama clothing feather cloth take, the drama dress hair, dancing party color ostrich hairNine:ostrich oil:beauty oil, cosmetics hairdressing oil, health oil, the bone harm oil, absolute being oil


I wish i can have that Burberry purse.


Today, while taking a test, I heard a buzzing in my purse.


When they had finished eating, she got up and said, Now here, take this ten dollars and buy some blue suede shoes. And next time, don't snatch my purse, or anybody else's— because shoes got by gad ways will burn your feet. I've got to go to bed now.


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Alligator Purse
Panties In Your Purse
Purse Snatchaz
First I Look At The Purse
Purse First

And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.

47:5 法老对约瑟说,你父亲和你弟兄们到你这里来了。

Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.


Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...
