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From 94 soil samples and 9 bark samples in these areas, 259 Myxobacteria strains were isolated and 140 strains of them were purified. These 259 Myxobacteria strains were primarily identified in genus or species level by their fruiting bodies, myxospores and vegetative cells on the base of Sergey's manual of determinative bacteriology and they belonged to 9 genera(Myxococcus, Corallococcm. Angiococcus. Archangium, Cystobacter. Stigmatella . Hapoangium. Nannocystis. Polyangium) of Myxococcales.

根据菌株的特征性子实体形态和其营养细胞、粘孢子形态,以《Bergey's manualof determinative bacteriology》第九版为依据,将分离纯化出的菌株初步鉴定到属,这259株粘细菌菌株经过初步的分类鉴定,分属于9个属,即粘球菌属139株、珊瑚球菌属20株、囊球菌属18株、原囊菌属21株、孢囊杆菌属5株、标桩菌属36株、单囊菌属9株、小囊菌属3株,和多囊菌属8株。

In the second part of work, a basic peptide with mass weight of 7597 Da was isolated and purified from the Naja naja atra venom .


METHODS CTX-d was fractionated and purified from Naja naja atra venom by column chromatography and RP-HPLC.


To study the effect of natrahagin, a Chinese cobra venom proteinase purified from Naja naja atra Z venom on platelet aggregation,fibrinogen level and artery thrombosis.


To observe the growth inhibitory effects of 10 peptides (KD Ⅰ-1, KD Ⅰ-1 H, KD Ⅰ-2, KD Q Ⅰ-2, KD Ⅱ, KD Ⅱ-2, KD Ⅱ-3, KD Ⅲ-1, KD Ⅲ-2, KD Ⅲ-2) purified from KD, one of components in Naja Naja Actra venom, on human glioma U251 cell line.

目的:探讨中华眼镜蛇毒卡迪中进一步分离纯化的10个组分KDⅠ-1、KDⅠ-1 H、KDⅠ-2、KDQⅠ-2、KDⅡ、KDⅡ-2、KDⅡ-3,KDⅢ-1,KDⅢ-2和KDⅢ-2′对神经胶质瘤细胞U251的抑制作用。

Highly purified and viable human nasoseptal chondrocytes were obtained by means of mechanical dissection and enzymatic digestion with collagenase type Ⅱ.


The acute virus necrobiotic disease virusC AVND viruswas isolated from diseased scallop Chlamys farreri collected in the Taiping Bay of Qingdao. Using purified virus as antigens, the polyclonal antibody with high titer was prepared in rabbits. The polyclonal antibody as the first antibody, IgG-HRP as the second antibody, indirect ELISA technique was set up through selecting the best interactional conditions among the first antibody, the second antibody and antigen.


Changes in Red Cell Enzyme Activity in Relation to Red Cell Survival in Infancy Antibody Deficiency Syndrome with Increased Gamma1 M(B2M) Globulins and Absent Gamma1 A(B2A) Globulins and Gamma2 Globulins. Needle Biopsy of the Liver in Various Forms of Childhood Tuberculosis Jaundice Associated with Severe Bacterial Infection in Young Infants Effectt of Hypoxia on Newborn Animals Renal Amyloidosis Resulting From a Chronically Infected Burn. Skin Testing of Allergic and Normal Children with Purified Milk Proteins. Pericarditis in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Cardiac Complication of Diphtheria Adenovirus Complement-fixing Titers from Birth through First Year Congenital Coronary A-V Fistula Narcotic and Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy Purulent Pericarditis Transfer of Bilirubin-C^4 Across Monkey Placenta Plasma Antidiuretic Hormone in Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Studies of Anabolic Steroids:Ⅰ.

红血球酵素活性度之变化与婴儿红血球生存期之关系 Gamma1 M(B2M)球蛋白增加而无Gamma1 A(B2A)球蛋白与Gamma2球蛋白之抗体缺乏症候羣儿童期各型结核病之肝藏针管活体切片检查幼儿细菌严重感染并发之黄疸缺氧对於新生动物之影响及其与肺玻璃膜病之关系烧伤处慢性感染引起之肾性淀粉样变性以精制奶粉蛋白对过敏症与正常小儿作皮肤试验年幼性类风湿性关节为合并的心包炎白喉之心脏合并症自出生至一岁之腺病毒补体结合滴定度先天性冠状动静脉瘻管怀孕时使用麻醉剂与Methamphetamine之结果化脓性心囊炎胆红素C^14标猴子胎盘之转送肾因性尿崩症患儿之血清抗利尿荷尔蒙之证明同化类固醇之研究Ⅰ。

Part 4: Brain-derived neurotropic factor genetically modified olfactory ensheathing cells of the neonatal rat Objective To culture the olfactory ensheathing cells from the neonatal rat and modify them genetically by human Brain-derived neurotropic factor to increase the formation of neurophic factors. Methods The OECs were dissociated from the neonatal rat olfactory bulbs and purified with time-speed difference stick.

第四部分:脑源性神经营养因子基因转染新生大鼠嗅鞘细胞目的为提高嗅鞘细胞(Olfactory ensheathing cells,OECs)分泌脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF,Brain-derived neurotropic factor)的能力,探讨将外源性BDNF基因转染入OECs,为今后采用BDNF基因修饰的OECs移植治疗SCI奠定基础。

A new picorna-like virus was isolated from dead Evtropis oblique larvae deceased from NPV infection. Electron microscopic observations of purified virions were non-enveloped isometric particles with diameter of 26nm. The virions contain two capsid proteins: 31.5kDa and 28.8kDa, the amount of later is 2.5 times more than that of the former. Analysis of 3′terminal sequence of EoPV clone identified that it can encode RdRp and has eight conserved motifs. Homology analysis shows that it is closely related to Perina nuda picorna-like virus.

从核型多角体病毒感染致死的茶尺蠖幼虫尸体中分离到一株微小RNA病毒透射电镜观察纯化的病毒粒子为无囊膜、无表面特征、直径约26nm的球状颗粒。16%的SDS-PAGE显示它有两个分子量为31.5 kDa和28.8 kDa的衣壳蛋白,后者的含量是前者的2.5倍。3′端克隆序列分析表明EoPV基因组3′有poly尾,编码RNA聚合酶,含有微小RNA病毒RNA聚合酶的八个保守基序,同源性分析表明它与榕透翅毒蛾微小RNA病毒亲缘关系最近。

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Purified Thoughts

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
