查询词典 pull on
- 与 pull on 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Note that not to pull the needle thread on the above reasons, embroidered cloth without me such a windbag.
Indication and Action Release the pain caused by rheumatism , wrick and pull Usage External use for adult and 2 years above Spread the ointment on skin .
This design is reelable for storage, after turn on the power, user can pull down the Yuga Mat which is combined with paper screen.
Subject:YOGA ONLINE This design is reelable for storage, after turn on the power, user can pull down the Yuga Mat which is combined with paper screen.
This is the statement that says to rely on fame, for only to been not receive head of a station, do not know how to visit the head of a station of the first pace, fan Qing suggests, some stationmaster are not known how to pull ad, the key is he and person of the same trade are not contacted, still have even if establish image without the batholith that is in in corresponding ad business.
She often secretly pull crowded ah ah, so many on the left to face the red-brown pit, pushed some of the inflammation Youyangyoutong, Bugan Peng, forehead and cheeks with the Doudou Into a one, a large red…… So she secretly started taking the pill used to treat the face of the Anchuang.
The teams are in the same group in which Togo would have played had they not pull out following the gun attack on their bus in Cabinda a week ago.
For the sake of life,someone depends on their parents' pull to get a job in a company then living his life cozily behind their parents.
All our negotiation and conflict resolutions skills were again required, when my Indian colleague Pravin Dixit and I tried to pull ourselves through this paper on the "Role of media in social reconstruction in Iraq".
当我的印度同事 Pravin Dixit 和我在〝在伊拉克的社会重建中媒体所扮演的角色〞的报告中尽力地想突显我们自己,所有我们所学的谈判和冲突解决的技巧再次派上用场。
When I pull up out front, you see the Benz on dubs
- 推荐网络例句
Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.