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与 psychology 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter 4, lists the teaching cases in teacher's teaching, combined the cases dissecting the teaching methods of mathematics and mathematical cerebration and methods in the point of view of psychology, then infers that to proceed the teaching of mathematical cerebration and methods is necessary. In the other hand, I compared and studied the association between the basic mathematical cerebration and methods and other mathematical knowledge, answer the questions that which mathematical cerebration and methods are more worthy to jut out. At last, infers a mode of the teaching in mathematical cerebration and methods.


After studying of modern pedagogy and modern psychology, and after experiencing the participation pedagogy, and in view of the fact of the characteristic of math teaching in class of kindergartener, the scheme method of combining the traditional teaching mode with the participation pedagogy have been put forward in this paper.


Womens physiology, psychology and intelligence characteristic influence the direction of female labor force participation.


This paper attempts to use Psychology of Personality Methods to analyze those figures of the special colony "Marginal Man", such as Octave and Armance in Armance, Julien and Mademoiselle de La Mole in The Red and the Black, Fabrice in The Charterhouse.


Only in such a case can graduate students quality be raised and can backbone talents for the socialist modernization construction in the 21ST century be brought up. This paper present the analysis on the present conditions and causal constraints on the design and implementation of physical and health education curriculum in universities in Jilin province from the perspectives of health education, physiology, chorology, healthlogy, psychology, education, nutritional, query based on the methodologies of reference query, system analysis, expert consultation, questionnaire, joint reference querying, etc.


Mr. Ying Yuandao ever summarized the discussions on the Christianity Localization Movement in China in the 1920s, and held that the so-called localized Christian churches should have the following characteristics:"First, churches of the Chinese; Second, set up according to the experiences of the Chinese Christians; Third, with rich quality of Chinese culture; Fourth, combine Christianity and Chinese culture into a whole; Fifth, suits the spirits and psychology of the Chinese People; Sixth, enables the religious life and experience of the Chinese Christians to be adapted to Chinese customs"1. In the 1960s, Japanese scholar Sumiko Yamamoto made more detailed summarization for the definition of the Localization Movement of the Churches in China in her article "The Independent Movement of Christianity in China in the 1920s":"First, churches are formed of Chinese; Second, churches are independent in administration and operation; Third, churches have independence in the economic aspect; Fourth, churches are adapted to the Chinese in the aspects of church building, divine music, divine painting and liturgy etc. Fifth, accommodate the sacrificial fete and customs of the Chinese and Christianize them; Sixth, churches must be involved in the practical issues in the State and the society of China; Seventh, churches must get rid the tradition and colors of the European and American churches; Eighth, churches must be able to control themselves, sustain themselves and spread by themselves."

应元道先生曾对20世纪20年代开展的中国基督教本色运动的讨论加以概括,认为所谓本色的基督教会应有以下几个特点:"一是中华国民的教会;二是根据中国基督教徒自己的经验而设立的;三是富有中国文化的质素的;四是要把基督教与中国文化合而为一的;五是能适合中华民族的精神和心理的;六是能使中国基督徒的宗教生活和经验合乎中国风土的" [1]。60年代,日本学者山本澄子在其所著的《二十年代中国基督教的自立运动》一文中,对中国教会本色化运动的定义作了更详细的概括:"一,以中国人为教会的构成;二,教会的行政与运作等方面的自立;三,教会在经济方面的自立;四,教会在教堂建筑、圣乐、圣画、礼拜仪式等方面的中国化;五,容纳中国人的祭祀与习俗,并与基督教化;六,教会要置身于中国国家与社会的现实问题之内;七,教会要除去欧美教会的传统与色彩;八,教会要能自治、自养、自传。"

This paper deals with two main problems of design- show and control from 4 related courses, Ergonomics、Cognitive psychology、Chromatics and Art Design.


It's also a intersectional research region, which includes computer science、Ergonomics、Cognitive psychology、Chromatics and Art Design.


Chromatics and visual psychology tell us that red has the longest light wave, the strongest penetrating power and the highest degree of sensibility, it is reminiscent of the sun, fire and blood and other things,red brings people the psychological reaction of joy, excitement and agitation.


Parents should understand that young people's psychological knowledge, to calm attitude clandestinely juvenile smoking and drinking, so that they produce the psychology.


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Reverse Psychology
Reverse Psychology
A Masters In Reverse Psychology
Endless Psychology

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
