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与 psychology 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is a branch of scientific psychology.


Physique index include stature, avoirdupois, length of lower limbs/ stature multiply 100, span/ stature, posture. Physical fitness include Break-out force(standing long jump,20 meters race); speed(20 meters,30 meters); flexible; Sensitive capability and harmony;physiology enginery index include space time estimate ability, balance control ability, cadence sense. Psychology index include intelligence factor and non-intelligence factor interest, nerve type, bravery and brawniness Willpower

其中身体形态指标有:身高、体重、下肢长/身高x 100、指距-身高、身体姿势;身体素质类:爆发力(立定跳远、20米跑),速度(20米、30米)、柔韧、灵敏与协调;生理机能类:时空判断、平衡控制能力、节奏感;心理类指标:智力因素和非智力因素(兴趣、神经类型,勇敢顽强果断的意志品质)。

An Austrian critic criticized Brod's viewpoint of connectin g the castle's ruling directly with mercy which is a religious concept in the postscript of the first edition of The Castle. In doing so, Brod gave a precedent to those critics who want to find religious symbols and other symbols in the novel and comprehend Kafka's illusion by theological explaining. In translating art images directly into the languages of theology, philosophy and psychology, it was certain that Brod would lower the value of Kafka's art.


Neurosciences on the Net is a searchable and browsable index of online neuroscience resources addressing neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases.


It was inevitable that in their time the English romanticists should treat, as Senor Valdes says,"the barbarous customs of the Middle Ages, softening and distorting them, as Walter Scott and his kind did;" that they should "devote themselves to falsifying nature, refining and subtilizing sentiment, and modifying psychology after their own fancy," like Bulwer and Dickens, as well as like Rousseau and Madame de Stael, not to mention Balzac, the worst of all that sort at his worst.

就如valdes可能是瓦尔德)所说,那个时代的英国浪漫主义者处理"野蛮的中世纪习俗,将它们软化,歪曲,就像斯科特之类的人做的",他们应致力于篡改自然,提炼或者稀释人们的脆弱感情,按照他们的想像改变人物的心理。,就像Bulwer 、Dickens、 Rousseau、 Madame de Stael、更别提 Balzac了,他是最糟的。

Laura Burg in the psychology department at Illinois State University is an expert on the subject.

伊利诺伊州立大学心理学系的Laura Berk就是一位这方面的专家。

Laura Burk in the psychology department at Illinois State University is an expert on the subject.


Laura Burk in the psychology department at IllinoisStateUniversity is an expert on the subject.

伊利诺斯大学心理系的 Laura Burk 是该学科的一位专家。

Laura Burk in the psychology department at Illinois State University is an expert on the subject. She says executive function skills can be improved.

伊利诺斯州立大学心理学系的Laura Berk是这一学科的专家,她说,执行功能的技巧是可以得到改善的。

Paper presented at the 13th Annual Psychology Department Convention, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.


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Reverse Psychology
Reverse Psychology
A Masters In Reverse Psychology
Endless Psychology

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
