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与 provocation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With precision and concision it is a fearless provocation to the traditional UK six-form education system!


An endorsement on the back of the jacket, by Sacvan Bercovitch, the author of "The Puritan Origins of the American Self," salutes Buell's book as "the harvest of the past half-century of Emersonian revaluations and the harbinger, guide, and provocation for the next generations of Emerson scholars and critics"—as if Emerson scholars and critics, in their generations, are world enough.


CAS is currently rely mainly on the diagnosis of coronary provocation test, including acetylcholine and ergonovine test pilot, domestic scholars have found in 201Tl SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging in the cardiac stress test was reverse redistribution is CAS One of the characteristics of patients, if the combination of exercise electrocardiography test negative as well as the rest of the clinical features of chest pain, diagnosis of coronary artery spasm highest sensitivity and can be made respectively 98% and 90% respectively.


Fact; but look rather on the soft side, and extenuate it as much as is possible, by considering the nearness of the relation, and the long friendship and familiarity between you - obligations to kindness which a single provocation ought not to dissolve .


If then your brother do you an injury, do not take it by the hot hard handle, by representing to yourself all the aggravating circumstances of the fact; but look rather on the soft side, and extenuate it as much as is possible, by considering the nearness of the relation, and the long friendship and familiarity between you - obligations to kindness which a single provocation ought not to dissolve .


Apart from the Commonwealth and the United States -- Where the communist movement is still infant era - the Communist Party, that is, around a fifth column of Christian civilization of the increasingly serious provocation and dangerous.


"This is pure provocation of the Palestinian people since this is one of the holiest Muslim sites," Diliani said.


Overall, the collaboration of Skaggs and Hornsby is a memorable one that is full of musical individualism, provocation and moxie.

总体而言,Skaggs 和Hornsby的这项合作令人难忘,它充满了音乐个人主义、挑衅和勇气。

When he that has given no provocation to malice, but by attempting to excel, finds himself pursued by multitudes whom he never saw, with all the implacability of personal resentment; when he perceives clamour and malice let loose upon him as a public enemy, and incited by every stratagem of defamation; when he hears the misfortunes of his family, or the follies of his youth, exposed to the world; and every failure of conduct, or defect of nature, aggravated and ridiculed; he then learns to abhor those artifices at which he only laughed before, and discovers how much the happiness of life would be advanced by the eradication of envy from the human heart.


When he that has given no provocation to malice, but by attempting to excel in some useful art, finds himself pursued by multitudes whom he never saw with implacability of personal resentment; when he perceives clamour and malice let loose upon him as a public enemy, and incited by every stratagem of defamation; when he hears the misfortunes of his family or the follies of his youth exposed to the world; and every failure of conduct, or defect of nature, aggravated and ridiculed; he then learns to abhor those artifices at which he only laughed before, and discovers how much the happiness of life would be advanced by the eradication of envy from the human heart.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
