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与 prototype 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All of the following enumerable methods are simply proxies to the Prototype enumerable method of the same name.

下面所有枚举方法是对同名的 Prototype 可枚举方法的简单代理。

E.g., all?. The Prototype methods were meant to mimic Ruby's enumerable methods.

all?。 prototype 方法被认为是模仿了 Ruby 的可枚举方法的语义。

Breadth refers to the fraction of the feature set represented by the prototype. A prototype that is low-fidelity in breadth might be missing many features, having only enough to accomplish certain specific tasks. A word processor prototype might omit printing and spell-checking, for example.


Breadth refers to the fraction of the feature set redivsented by the prototype. A prototype that is low-fidelity in breadth might be missing many features, having only enough to accomplish certain specific tasks. A word processor prototype might omit printing and spell-checking, for example.


VP is the abbreviation for Virtual Prototype. It is a new method of product development.

VP是英文Virtual Prototype的缩写,即虚拟样机,是一种崭新的产品开发技术。

Some critics think one of the most successful examples of architecture and art implementing each other is the exhibition of Inigo Manglano-Ovalle's Cloud Prototype for an Edition of 3 (the first picture of 5th row below) on 4th level while others might have conflicts between architecture and art/installation.

某些评论家认为在第四层 Inigo Manglano-Ovalle 的 Cloud Prototype for an Edition of 3的展示(见下方第五排第一个照片)与建筑物的互动最好,而有些展示则与建筑物有些冲突。

The text was divided into five parts: The basic conception of narratology applicability of narrative theory in television advertisiment research was explained in the first chapter; television advertisiment was researched on four aspects: the entity of narratory、the display mode of storied advertisiment、the analysis of live broadcast and word of narrative advertisiment in the second chapter; narrative research on the symbol mode of television advertisiment such as montages and voices et cetera was made in the third chapter; television advertisiment was analyzed by signifier and signified of advertisiment as well as narrative technique in desire and implementation in the fourth chapter; the relationship of narrative prototype and adoption in television advertisiment was discussed on several aspects such as circumstances prototype、ideological prototype and person prototype et cetera in the fifth chapter.


In consideration of the complexity and deeper meaning of the prototype, and the main highlights of Lawrence works itself, this thesis mainly chooses the female character prototype of the Bible, the imago prototype of the Bible and the scene prototype of the Bible in his three representative novels mentioned above to analyze thoroughly, by adducing and contradistinguishing the Lawrence text from the Bible text, explores the connotative meaning of Lawrence\'s novels from the new point of view, digs religion culture connotation and history origin for inditing of Lawrence\'s novel, and unveils the inheriting of Lawrence to the Bible culture and the occidental literature history.


Geometrical and physical parameters of components of the absorber in the virtual prototype follow from those technical data of a specific passenger car. Bench tests are conducted and a series of experimental results have been obtained by the MTS absorber test machine for the damping force-velocity which can be imposed in the virtual prototype for dynamic simulation. The piecewise, the hysteretic looped and the abnormal looped hysteretic force-velocity curves for the absorbers are, respectively, input into the prototype.


I want to be careful here, and remind anyone reading this that I don't have anything bad to say about jQuery, and I don't want to start a flame war on this post or others. jQuery and MooTools (and Prototype and Dojo and YUI, yada, yada, yada) are different and not competing with each other.

在这里我要小心一些,并提醒正在阅读这篇文章的各位读者,我没有任何关于 jQuery的坏话要说,我也不想在这篇文章或者其他文章中挑起一场无谓的争论。jQuery和MooTools(以及Prototype、Dojo、 YUI等等等等)都是不同的而且没有相互竞争。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
