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与 prophecies 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first main division of the Book of Joel (1:2-2:17) the prophecies are threatenings of the day of judgment; the prophecies in the second division, which embraces the rest of the book (2:18-3:21), are consolatory descriptions of the day of grace.

在第一主科书约珥( 1:2-2:17 )预言是threatenings的审判的日子;预言,在第二次表决,其中包含了其余的图书( 2:18-3 : 21 ),是consolatory说明该天的宽限期。

"The the prophecies of the old songs have turned out to be true, after a fashion!"


Brian D'Amato has just published In the Courts of the Sun a novel about a game-playing whiz who is transported from 2012 back to 600 AD to learn about ancient prophecies from the Maya.


Again, it is not to be supposed that the prophecies of Amos were delivered exactly as they are recorded.


Arminianism is not dispensationalist as such, has not committed itself to a given millennial view, and has little interest in specific prophecies (believing God would have us concentrate on what is clear in Scripture: Christ's redemption and a holy life).


We need not have recourse either to the family names, armorial bearings or cardinalatial titles, to see the fitness of their designations as given in the prophecies.


They can be born into any family. They were not allowed to comment on any of their prophecies until now.


You will read and find out things yourself to ensure that it is in line with the biblical prophecies.


Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. For example, the prophecy concerning Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa; he was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figured a fleur-de-lis; he had three bees emblazoned on his escutcheon, and the bees gather honey from the lilies and roses.

这些谁进行了解释和解释这些象徵性的预言已经成功地发现一些特点,典故,点,或相似适用於个人教皇,无论是作为自己的国家,他们的名字,他们的国徽或徽章,他们的出生位,其人才,或学习,其所有权红衣主教的贵宾,他们举行了等例如,关於城市的预言八是百合与玫瑰;他是一个土生土长的佛罗伦萨和武器的佛罗伦萨占有一鸢尾花,他有三个标志蜜蜂他escutcheon ,和蜜蜂收集蜂蜜的百合花和玫瑰花。

We may add another point in which there is a remarkable agreement in the catena of modern prophecies, and that is the peculiar connection between the fortunes of France and those of the Church and the Holy See, and also the large part which that country has still to play in the history of the Church and of the world, and will continue to play to the end of time.


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Crab Apple Kids
Dead Promises
Over Your Shoulder
The Legacy
Buried Alive
Captain On
New Faith
Bazooka Tooth

The Catskill Mountains Many people see UFOs and report alien encounters in the Catskills. Silent Invasion 1991 - a book by Ellen Crystall - discusses over 100 UFO sightings and encounters in the Pine Bush area - over a 10 year period.

许多人们在Catskills中看见不明飞行物和报告不同的飞碟接触案例。1991的《无声的入侵》-亚伦克里斯托尔的一本书–在Pine Bush区域持续10年时间100以上的不明飞行物目击接触案例和相会中讨论。

But all the while he was longing to dance, for a funny new tickly feeling ran through him, and he felt he would give anything in the world to be able to jump about like these rabbits did.


Within a few years oceanography was under way.
