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The summary results are below:1. GUS expression under the driving of the BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was essentially undetectable in the young seedlings under normal growth conditions. GUS activity was first detected in the stigma of young flowers, peaked in the young siliques, and decreased when the siliques became older. No GUS expression was found in the mature siliques, seeds or root.2. The BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was inducible by NaCl, PEG, wounding and MeJA treatments. High levels of GUS expression were detected in the transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants after wounding, NaCl, PEG, and MeJA treatment, indicating that the BjCHI1 promoter responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses.3. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in B. juncea was inducible by PEG and NaCl.4. The transcription start site was determined by 5′-RACE, and was located at the 17th nucleotide upstream of the translation initiation codon of the BjCHI1 gene.5. A -805/+17 promoter fragment was enough to response to wounding and MeJA induction, which was proved in transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants. The 397 bp region between -805 and -409 of the BjCHI1 promoter contains a cis-acting element that is essential for the wounding and MeJA inducibility.6. The -695/-620 region was necessary but not sufficient to confer MeJA-responsive expression. A T/G-box locates in -353 play an important role in the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in response to MeJA treatment. The 76 bp region is coupled with the T/G-box to confer full MeJA-inducible transcription of the BjCHI1 gene.

主要结果如下:1、利用转基因拟南芥植株分析表明,正常生长条件下,BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)驱动GUS基因主要在花柱中表达,幼嫩的荚也有表达,并随着果荚的成熟而减弱,成熟的果荚、种子和根没有显示GUS活性。2、BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)能驱动GUS基因在转基因烟草和拟南芥中响应伤害的诱导,转基因拟南芥的分析还证明BjCHI1启动子也受MeJA、NaCl和PEG的诱导,证明BjCHI1启动子是一个伤害、MeJA、NaCl和PEG等生物和非生物因素诱导启动子。3、RT-PCR进一步证明芥菜中BjCHI1基因也受NaCl和PEG的诱导表达。4、5′-RACE法鉴定了BjCHI1启动子的转录起始位点,位于翻译起始位点ATG上游第17个碱基A.5、转基因烟草和拟南芥分析证明,-805/+17的启动子片段足以响应伤害和MeJA的诱导,-805和-409之间397 bp的启动子片段含有对伤害和MeJA诱导必要的元件。6、本明烟叶片瞬时表达系统分析证明,一段76 bp的序列(-695/-620)对BjCHI1启动子响应MeJA的诱导是必要的,但不足以响应MeJA的诱导,位于-353的T/G-box也参与MeJA的诱导。76 bp的序列(-695/-620)与T/G-box协同起作用,赋予BjCHI1启动子MeJA诱导性。

The dose-dependent experiment revealed that Id1 antagonised E47 and Ets1 mediated transcriptional activation in a dose-dependent manner. With pGL3-870 as a template, site-directed mutagenesis of E-box and / or ETS-binding site was introduced into p16 promoter. E47 could not activate the transcription of p16 promoter with E-boxes mutated, and Ets1 could not activate the transcription of p16 promoter with EBS mutated. The synergy effect between E47 and Ets1 would occur only if the E-boxes and EBS were present. These facts demonstrated that E47 and Ets1 proteins were not recruited to the promoter by binding to other cis-elements or through interaction with other protein factors, however, they bound to DNA directly through respective consensus sequences in p16 promoter.


In the present study, the unidirectional CaMV 35S promoter has been modified to a bi-directional promoter by fusing its minimal promoter element to the 5′end of CaMV 35S promoter in the opposite orientation.


Different plant expression vectors had been respectively transferred into upland cotton cultivars Jinman12, Jinmian7, Xinluzao1 and Jihe321 via Agrobacterium tumfaciens transformation. These vectors carried cryIAc3 gene, which encodes Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin, under the control of chimeric OM promoter, CaMV 35S promoter, and cotton leaf curl virus RP promoter respectively; snowdrop lectin gene (Galanthus nivals agglutinin, gna) trans-regulated by rolC promoter controlled TGAla factor; and multivalent expression construct of both cryIAc3-cpti fusion gene and gna gene. A large number of transgenic plants and their progenies had been obtained.

为了提高外源基因的表达量,延缓害虫产生耐受性,本文通过将携带有分别在高效复合OM启动子,CaMV35S启动子及棉花曲叶病毒RP启动子控制下的苏云金杆菌杀虫毒蛋白基因cryIAc3;反式调节因子增强韧皮部表达的雪花莲外源凝集素(Galanthus nivals agglutinin,GNA)基因;以及同时含有cryIAc3、豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂基因和gna三价抗虫基因的植物表达载体,以根农杆菌介导法分别将这些表达载体导入了陆地棉新陆早1号、晋棉7号、晋棉12号和冀合321等我国西北棉花主要栽培品种,经体细胞胚再生获得了大批转基因再生植株。

In this research, the complete ipt gene was cloned from Agrobacterium pTiAch 58 Hind Ⅲ fragment and its promoter was re-constructed so that following three chimaeric genes were created:(1) ipt promoter plus ipt coding region and terminator ,(2) RuBP SSU 301 promoter from petunia plus ipt coding region and terminator ,(3) pea seed-specific vicilin promoter plus ipt coding region and terminator .

将ipt基因克隆后对其启动子进行了改造,分别构建了如下三种基因:(1)ipt启动子+ipt编码区和3′区,(2)磷酸核酮糖羧化酶小亚基启动子SSU 301+ipt编码区和3′区,(3)豌豆种子特异性启动子vicilin+ipt编码区和3′区。

From the frequently used way that applying probe vectors for choosing promoter to the using of PCR, there were lots of ways for promoter cloning. Afterwards, a series of techniques based on PCR for promoter cloning such as I-PCR, P-PCR, SSP-PCR, YADE, TAIL-PCR were developed in succession. They offered more reliable and reasonable ways of cloning the promoter.

着重介绍了启动子克隆的方法,从常用的利用启动子探针型载体筛选启动子到PCR方法的应用,及此后相继出现的一些基于PCR法的克隆启动子技术,像I-PCR, P-PCR, SSP-PCR, YADE, TAIL-PCR等,为克隆启动子提供了更可靠,更合理的方法。

In this study, what had been used inculding CBF1 and CBF3 of CBF family, its downstream COR15a gene , regulating element CRT/DRE in promoter of COR15a gene, Cloning CBF1 and CBF3 from Arabidopsis thaliana, and Cloning ApCOR15a gene from Arabis pumila of xinjiang. On the basis of plasmid pBI121,being used CaMV35S promoter and SAR iductivity promoter synthesized by PCR, six plant expression vectors had been constructed: pCB111, pCB111-1, pCB112,pCB112-1,pCB113, pCB113-1, and then transformed to Agrobacterium GV3101 by electics.


Mutation of the gARID1 binding site in the cwp1 promoter resulted in a decrease of promoter activity and mRNA levels during vegetative growth and encystation, suggesting that the gARID1 binding sites are positive cis-acting elements of the cwp1 gene promoters in both trophozoites and encysting cells. Using cotransfection assay, we also found overexpession of gARID1 can increase luciferase activity and mRNA levels, while mutation of the gARID1 binding sites of the cwp1 promoter resulted loss of this transactivation.

我们也用萤光酵素基因接上cwp1基因启动子,如果将其cwp1启动子上的gARID1结合位置突变,也可以发现萤光酵素和讯息RNA的表现有明显的下;再用cotransfection assay,可发现gARID1会使萤光酵素和讯息RNA表现明显上升,然而如果将其cwp1启动子上的gARID1结合位置突变,这种转活化则消失。

Firstly, the pGL3-Control vector was reconstructed , the pGL3-Enhancer vector deletious of SV40 promoter gene was obtained . Then the IFN-β promoter gene was cloned into the pGL3-Enhancer vector and pGL-IP21, the Luciferase reporter plasmid with IFN-β promoter was OK. The availability of pGL-IP21 was verified by NDV ,the inductor of IFN-β, the Luciferase activity was assayed in cells transfected with pGL-IP21 by Luminometer.


To prove that the cloned DNA fragment can express tryptopanase,a new plasmid pET28C-TnaA , in which the cloned DNA fragment was located downstream of T7 promoter on pET28c was constructed and transformed into host BL21(DE3),a BL21 lysogen of bacteriophage DE3 in which the only promoter known to direct transcription of the T7 RNA polymerase gene is the lacuvS promoter ,which is inducible by IPTG.

为了证明质粒上的基因能表达出有活性的色氨酸酶,将这个DNA片段克隆到PET28c质粒的BamHI和HindⅢ位点上,使该片段受T7 RNA聚合酶的启动子控制,然后转化噬菌体DE3的溶源菌BL21(DE3)。

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No Aloha
Cro Aloha
Promoter (Of Earthbound Causes)
Game Over
Generic Crunk Rap
Rap Promoter
Long Live Rock
Beat Down
Turn Down
Another 70 Bars (I'm Back)

A solid basis of evidence underpinned her theory.


Apoptosis was detected in both of the cell lines in the absence of folacin, but no necrosis was observed in this experiment.


Leonard Downie, editor of The Washington Post, decries the "celebrification of journalism", which drives even the best in the business to hype a story, to exaggerate "just a bit", to sensationalise the ordinary and, on occasion, to go over the top and simply "create" a fact, a quote or a whole story.
